Chapter Fifteen

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You finally emerged from your room with the newspaper still in your hand. You gingerly picked up the remote from the arm of the chair and slowly turned the TV on and flicked to the news channel.

You had to check that this had happened.

That this hadn't been a trick.

That this was real life.

The news reporter babbled on about the migrant crisis, which you didn't pay a lot of attention to. You breathed a sigh of relief.

It hadn't happened.

It was all a trick.

It hadn't been real life.

You got up and out of the chair. Turned your back to their TV and headed out of the room when the reporter said something.

Something you didn't want to listen to.

Something that couldn't be real.

"And now to our main story. Internet personality Dan Howell also known as danisnotonfire has committed suicide in the early hours of yesterday morning. The star was glimpsed falling from his block of flats by passerbys. One fan of his managed to film part of this tragic event. We now play this footage-"

You payed full attention to the clip. It showed Dan falling from the block of flats, gaining momentum as he fell. The clip cut out before he hit the ground but you could hear the screams of horror from onlookers. You gasped, choking on tears. Quickly you turned off the TV and left the flat swiftly.


You went to impatient knock on the door when you noticed a letter on her doorstep. You picked it up. It was addressed to you. You quickly tore the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper. On it it read:

Goodbye (y/n)

All our love,
Phil and (f/n) xxx

You read the letter several times when the message finally sunk in. You tipped your head back and screamed, an earsplitting scream.


THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Ok... Right...
Fanfic of the week( which I've modified again to user of the week)

Is @PhanicattheBandoms for all their constant support.


Over and out,

Loony 🐌

(That made no sense but anyway...)

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