Chapter Twenty Two

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"Excuse me, Miss, if you do not mind one asking, why are you covered in cuts and bruises?" Asked Howell.
"Well, Mr Howell, it is a very long story and you would not believe me if I told you, you would not believe me," you said politely.

You suddenly felt a presence loom over you and Howell, Lester and (f/n)'s eyes grow large with fear.

"Ah darling, I thought I had lost you within this crowd of scoundrels and peasants," you heard M's voice behind your ear. You looked out the corner of your eye and saw him holding a dagger towards your waist.

"Why don't we head home?" He growled into your ear.

"How about no, sir," you said turning around. You saw him swing his hand back in order to stab you. You grabbed his arm as he swung the dagger towards your waist and twisted it backwards, earning a cry of pain to escape his lips.

"I don't think so, do you?" You growled into his face. "Now, I have a gun on me. I could use it right now. But I'm not going to you. Do you know why?" He shook his head quickly. "Because your blood tastes so much sweeter on a knife."

In one swift movement you had pulled the dagger from his clasp and had driven it deep into his chest. His eyes widened in surprise until you felt him go limp and watched them roll into the back of his head.

You pulled the dagger out of his chest, tilted your head sideways and rolled his body across the street with your boot. You then lifted the bloodied dagger to your mouth and licked the blood off of it. You let the metallic taste fill your mouth. You smiled in delight. It was delicious.

You turned round to see Howell and company white as a sheet with their eyes even wider then what they were before. You looked down at your dress. It wasn't particularly practical. You used the dagger to and set about cutting the skirt so it was about knee height.

The trio was still staring at you with fear etched across every feature. You noticed quite a crowd gathering and you wanted to get out of here before the police turned up.

"Do you mind showing me your rooms?" You asked Howell. He just cowered down and didn't answer apart from a little shake from his head.

"Oh, really? Do I have to kill you too?"


I updated finally! Whoop! I didn't update last week because I had exams by the way-I wasn't just abandoning you guys! Anyway...

Over and out,


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