Chapter Ten

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(A/n)-be prepared for crossover madness.

You vaulted out the bin whilst Dan clambered ungainly out of it, hitting his head on the side as he did so.
"You're terrible at that you know," you told him.
"Well it's never really been something I need to do you know," he said stumbling along the pavement.
"Are you alright?"
"My vision is a bit blurry and my balance is a bit off... Did you drug me?"
"An investigation."
"What did a say?" He asked sounding concerned. At that moment he tripped over his foot. You ran back and caught him before he collided with the pavement.
"Thanks," he said smiling. You supported him all the way back to your flat. You unlocked the door and helped him sit down.

"Have you heard of the new phenomenon?" He asked.
"There's a new detective who's just claimed his fame. A right boffin according to the papers," Dan said picking up a newspaper that was on your coffee table.
"What's his name?" You asked extremely interested.
"Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes."
The expression on your face turned from happy to annoyed as you grabbed  your scarf and sprinted out the door.
"Where are you going?"
Dan rolled his eyes and slowly stood up and followed you down the stairs.
"Dan, you can't come you're still recovering," you said when he met you at the bottom of the stairs.
"Yes well I don't trust you," he said.
"Why not?" You asked offended.
"Well you're probably going to go and blow off this guy's head because he does the same thing as you and could be better at it," Dan explained.
"I would never do such a thing," you protested.
Dan gave you a knowing look, "yes you would."
"Because you're a psychopath with a gun."
You huffed in annoyance as Dan followed you out of the door.

"Is this really necessary?" You asked when you were half way to the police station with Dan still following you.
"No buts I'm coming with you."

You reached the police station and barged into your bosses office. He was conversing with a tall man who was standing next to a shorter one. When your boss saw you he sighed loudly.

So much for a warm welcome!

This caused the pair to turn round. The taller of the two glared icily at you whilst the other had a warm smile plastered on his face.
"John and Sherlock, this is (y/n) and her friend who was a collapsed and bloody mess last time I saw him so I have no idea who he actually is," your boss introduced.
"My name is Dan by the way," Dan said extending his arm. John took it and shook it.
"John. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Sherlock just looked at Dan's hand as if it was some kind of alien.
"His name is Sherlock by the way," John said gesturing to the tall man.
"And this is (y/n)," Dan said for you.

"Call me later about the case," Sherlock said making eye contact with you, "it seems that these two idiots would like to have a council with you." And with that he took off and left the office with John  scurrying along behind him. Leaving you angrily glaring after him.

"And the best thing is," your boss glanced in the direction they had gone to make sure they were out of ear shot, "you're going to have to work with him."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If there are any more characters from different tv shows or films you want to appear just comment below and I'll try my best to add them in.
Over and out,

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