Chapter Twenty One

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Hello. I don't know if any of you have watched The Abominable Bride but if you have you'll probably guess where we are going in this chapter. This will NOT contain any plot spoilers for TAB just in case you haven't seen it yet. Back in time we go....

Over and out,

Loony 🐌

Your eyes slowly opened and you took in your surroundings. You were in the same room as you had been in before apart from it now looked rather different. The walls now had exposed beams and the furnishing was all made of dark wood. The covers of the four poster were made of silk and pulled back. You swiveled on your bed so you were sitting upright with your feet dangling of the bed. You were now wearing a long white night gown with frilly cuffs.

There was a curt knock on the door and in came a maid she laid a emerald dress out next to you, a corset and a pair of high laced boots.

She bowed and said," the master wants you adorned and ready by breakfast, Miss." She then turned on her heel and headed out the way she came. You picked up the corset and looked at it quizzically. How the hell did it do up?

After a lot of struggling you had managed to get yourself dressed. You looked at the style of dress. Definitely from the 19th century. You went and rummaged through your bedside drawer. Finally finding what you wanted, a sliver revolver. You tucked it into your left boot. You then did your hair in a bun style that you knew was popular in the 19th century.

You then got up and exited your bedroom still trying to work out how to breath with a corset and headed in what you thought would be the direction of the dinning room. Large tapestries adorned the walls and great glass chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The floor was made from pine wood planks which were covered by a rug made from rich golds and reds.

After a bit of wandering you found the room you were looking for. M was standing at the head of the table. He was wearing a tail coat and waist coat. Attached to the waist coat, which happened to be the same colour as the dress you were wearing, was a silver pocket watch. He was wearing black trousers and polished shoes.

"Good Morning, My Lady. I trust you had a pleasant nights sleep."

"I did, Sir. It was very pleasant indeed. Thank you," you said bowing your head slightly.

"Well, My Lady. I believe it is about time we dined. I was pondering on whether we shall go out to the market today," M said gesturing to the seat next to him.

"I think that would be an excellent plan, Sir," you said sitting down and being on your breakfast.


You had finished breakfast and were now getting ready to leave the house to go to the market with M. He had grabbed a top hat and walking stick and given you a cloak with a hood. You both stepped out the door and M called a cab which was being driven by two chestnut stallions. He helped you into the carriage and on his signal the cab driver sped off on his way to the centre of Victorian London.

You had reached your destination and M payed the driver in shillings. He then got out his side and helped you out of cab. You took in the sights around you. The streets were now cobbled and stalls littered the streets, constructed from tattered cloth and sticks. Stray dogs ran around stealing scraps of food when the stall owners weren't paying attention. Pollution hung in the air and caused a fog to swirl around the stalls.

You had a wander around and was so busy taking in the sights around you that you had managed to split up from M. You sighed and continued to stroll around the stalls. He was bound to come and find you later.

Suddenly you heard singing fill the air and the tap of shoes on the cobbled stones of the London street. You continued around the corner when you saw two street performers. They were both very tall and wearing tail coats. They both had canes and top hats and were dancing in time to the singing of a woman. One had brown, curly hair with brown eyes and the other had black hair and blue eyes. You swore you recognized the group. You went to where they were preforming and watched them, waiting for them to finish.

After the performance you greeted the performers.

"Good Day. That performance was splendid. I know this may sound a bit queer but I seem to recognize you from someplace." You said to the one with brown hair.

"I'm Howell and this is my dance partner Lester. The woman singing is (f/n). It is a pleasure to meet you," he said outstretching a hand.

"My name is (y/n). It is a pleasure to meet you too," you said taking Howell's hand and shaking it.

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