Chapter Twenty Three

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"I'm not allowing a raging psychopath into my rooms, my lady," said Howell.

"Are you sure?" You asked tilting your head sideways. You leant down and pulled the revolver from your boot. Howell nodded, nervously eyeing the gun. You put your finger on the trigger and was about to pull it when something soft collided with the side of your face.
Your eyes shot open and you sat bolt upright.

"What the hell?" You said taking in your surroundings. It was your room from when 13. You looked down at yourself. You were 13. You took in all the posters that covered your wall, Dan being the one opposite to where your bed was.

"Afternoon, Sweetie."

You turned your head to see your mum standing with a pillow that she had just propelled at you in her hand. "I thought I had better wake you, it is 12," she said smiling sweetly at you. You just stared at her with wide eyes

"You died. You are dead. How can you be here?" You asked confused.

Your mum looked at you as if you were insane. "Bad dream, Sweetie?" She asked smiling at you softly.

"You all get blown up! How can you be here? If it hasn't happened yet we can prevent it. We need to move now!" You exclaimed.

"Sweetie, it was just a dream."

"How about Dan then. Where is he? I need to tell him something. I need to tell, him how I survived and he needs to tell me how he did," you said frantically.

"Who is Dan?" Your mum asked you. You looked at her betrayed. "Hang on! He's the one you watch with the funny hair!" She said, smiling when you nodded.

"I need to see Sherlock then. Tell him about how M is on the run!" You said exasperated.

"Sweetie, Sherlock is a fictional character and you made M up in one of your stories. They're not real."

"THEY ARE REAL! I MET THEM!" You yelled.

"Sweetie I think you need to rest," she said slipping out your room leaving you in the whirlwind of your own thoughts.

Had you just made all that up? Was it all a dream?

Ten years later...

The rain was bouncing off the pavement outside it was falling so hard. The cars were sending mini tsunamis onto the pavement every time they sped. through a puddle. Every so often engulfing unfortunate pedestrians. (Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration).

You had just entered Starbucks and was tapping your fingers impatiently on the counter waiting for thee busy waitress to notice you.

"What do you want?" Asked the waitress bluntly when she had finally acknowledged your existence.
"Just a latte, thank you," you answered.
"Take away?" She asked. You nodded.
She went bustling over to the coffee machine and, soon enough, placed a cup in front of you on the counter.
"That's £3," she said.
You took your purse out of your coat and gave her the change.

You headed out into the rain. Your head bowed to keep the rain out of your eyes. Occasionally sipping on your coffee.

You had been walking for a while now in the rain on your way back you your flat. The rain was dripping off the strands of your hair. You were walking at a furious pace as you were desperate to get back to the warmth of your flat.

Suddenly someone collided with you on the pavement sending the coffee all over you.

"Sorry," said the young man who had bumped into you as you was brushing off the coffee, "I just didn't see you in all this rain."
"Oh it's fine," you said looking up.
"Hang on I recognise you..."



Well this has been a bit of an adventure, hasn't it? From respectable DI to psychotic Victorian killer. I really hoped you enjoyed this story. Enjoy being stuck in your time-loop readers.

Over and out forevermore,


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