Chapter Thirteen

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You grabbed your coat and headed out the door of your flat, slamming the heavy door against the frame which shuddered with the impact. You had been trying to forget Dan and everything about him but it haunted you like a phantom that had decided to take residence in an old fort and wouldn't be moved.

You entered the outside world. The air was crisp and cool and your breath hung in the air like clouds on a clear summer's day. The few trees in London were starting to loose their leaves which made the atmosphere even more barren. You turned up a side street and down a cold lane to reach the area which had been cornered off by police tape. You ducked under it and greeted your boss as you made your way in. He looked at you questioningly when he noticed the empty space behind you that was usually filled by Dan.

By the time you got to the body, Sherlock was already swooping around, making all the deductions so you couldn't get involved. Which didn't matter to you much as you were finding it incredibly hard to concentrate on anything other than Dan. He swooped past you and informed your boss about everything he had observed and left swiftly. You attempted to follow him out taking it as your cue to leave when a firm hand grasped your wrist.
"Are you ok?" Asked the concerned voice of your boss.
You could only nod and had to shake your wrist out of his firm grasp to escape the scene and head back towards your flat. As soon as you got back you headed to your bedroom and locked the door so you could do some proper thinking.

1 week later

You had stayed locked up in your room for all of the last week, save the times you had to go and get some food to eat. Your friends had tried to contact you endless times and the buzzing of your phone had annoyed you so much the screen was now shattered where you had accidentally dropped it out your window. You looked at the screen 50 missed calls from (f/n). You sighed. You had better go and pay her a visit, even if you didn't want to, she would be worried sick. You grabbed your coat (because it is necessary for stair climbing) and headed down the flights of stairs down to (f/n)'s flat.

You knocked on the door and was let in. The flat had a sombre feel to it as if someone had drained out all its life. You turned to see (f/n) she was as white as a sheet and had obviously been crying and then you noticed Phil who had exactly the same demeanour. Something was very wrong...
"We're so sorry (y/n)," (f/n) said pulling you into a hug.
"About what?" You asked confused.
"You haven't heard?" She said looking you straight in the eyes.

(A/n)- Hello there! Thanks to everyone reading it means such a lot! So...

Fanfic of the week

Twisted dreams by hannahliz17

This story is awesome so far as it has death and detectives in it. So...yeah...go check it out!


Over and out,
Loony 🐌

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