Chapter Six

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"We should go to my flat it's just round the corner," panted an out-of-breath Dan.
You just nodded the pain in your knee becoming unbearable.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Dan asked concern lacing every word.
"Perfectly fine," you said defiantly, you wouldn't let Dan help you your pride couldn't take that.
"Ok as long as your sure," Dan said glancing down towards your scarf which has gone from dark blue to blood red.
Finally you made it to the door. Dan was about to unlock the door when you collapsed, hitting your head hard on the floor.
Dan had lost all the colour in his face as he swooped down to try and get a response from you.
He unlocked the door quickly, Phil wasn't at home, and shoved it with force. He then bent down and picked you up bridal style and placed you down on his sofa. As he was carrying you he noticed a scrap of paper fly out of your pocket. Curiosity took over him and he reached down and picked it up. It read:

Don't take me to hospital
Stop caring, please
Let me go
Please call my boss 076548219124

Dan's eyes reared up as he read the note and run over to you. He checked your pulse.


He checked your breathing.

You weren't.

You were dead.

The realisation hit and Dan became a shaking mess on the floor, crying and muttering sorrys. He remember your note, call the boss. It was the least he could do. Grant your final wish. He called and your boss said he'd be right there.

Ten minutes later he came, zipped you up in a body bag and gave Dan a hug as his assistant took you away.

You were gone. Forever.

This dawned on Dan and he curled up in a ball in front of his door and cried. It was there where Phil found him the next day...

I finally got to kill someone off! Not that it's a good thing... I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Over and out,

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