Chapter Twelve

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After finally managing to get in control of your hysterics you met Dan at the front of Scotland Yard.
"Wanna come round mine?" You asked.
He nodded as you walked up to the main road and past the limited foliage that London had to offer. You hailed a cab and hopped in the one that had slowed down for you.
"North Gower Street please," you told the driver as he started to pull out into the main stream of traffic on the busy London road.
"Are you still mad?" You asked Dan.
He nodded and you smirked.
"What are you smirking at?" He asked
"Your face was so funny you have to admit it!" You said grinning.
He just sighed and rolled his eyes. The rest of the journey proceeded in silence.

The cabby pulled up on the end of the street and you payed him the fare and got out the cab. You walked up the stairs to the flat with Dan following closely behind you. You opened the door and he followed you in slamming the door behind himself. You turned round to Dan. He seemed enraged about something.
"What's the matter?" You asked pushing some paperwork off your armchair so you could sit down.
"You lied to me!" He said through gritted teeth.
"About what?" You asked standing up and walking slowly towards him .
"Everything! You lied to be about everything! And it hurt (y/n)! It hurt right-"
"Here," you said placing a hand over his heart. You felt his heart rate quicken and his breathing hitch. "Because you are in love with me aren't you Dan?" You said pacing in slow circles around him.
"Y-yes," he said stuttering as you continued your circles.
"Why?" You whispered in his ear causing him to shudder. You smiled at the effect you had on him.
"Because you are beautiful," he said.
You stopped in your tracks. No one had ever said that to you before. He turned to look at you, staring into your eyes. All of a sudden you felt yourself leaning towards Dan and Dan began to lean to towards you, slowly closing the gap between the two of you. Slowly your lips came together and he kissed you lightly and you kissed him back.

When your mind had caught up with your actions you pulled away quickly, turned on  your heel and ran towards your room, slamming the door loudly behind you.
"(Y/n)!" Dan yelled after you but you pretended not to hear him, sitting on your bed trying to decipher your thoughts. All you could see was Dan, clouding your vision, stopping you from seeing clearly, stopping you from seeing the facts. You screamed tugging at your hair.
"(Y/n)?" Dan said thumping on your door that you had locked behind you, "(y/n), are you alright?"
You were internally screaming.
Love and caring were both found on the losing side. You couldn't lose not now, not ever. You punched your pillow. Caring was a disadvantage in your line of work, in all lines of work.
Dan was now hammering on your door and it was threatening to buckle off its hinges.
"Dan!" You yelled at the door.
"What (y/n)?!"
"Go! I never want to see your face around here again!" You said choking on the tears that were now streaming down your face.
You heard a pair of feet storming off and the slamming of, what you guessed was, the front door.
You buried your head in your hands thoughts blurring your vision.

Hello! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I promised there would be some danxreader action! I'm sure it was terrible because I'm not a very romantically able human being however,

Fanfic of the week

Story of my life (danisnotonfire fanfic) by HannahOMalley8

This is quite a short fic at the moment however I think it has great potential so you guys should go and check it out!

Over and out,
Loony 🐌

A Stranger on the PavementDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora