If You Are Here

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If you are here, I congratulate you. You kept this story in your library, a reading list, or you just follow my page. If you have been here since day one, I congratulate you even more, because everyone is finally getting their wish granted. 

No people not the one where I tell you that you have all won tickets to meet the boys, sorry ladies -and what gentlemen we have in the audience- I have not brought that news, I wish. 

No I have brought the news of well... Let's call it 2.0

Jail Bait 2.0 (I was going to make it like James Bond, but that was just too cheesy.)

Get ready for more crying, more heartbreak, more wanting to punch Ashton, or Michael, maybe even Luke and Calum. And defiantly want to murder me for the torture that I am going to put you through.

Nothing can ever replace the original Jail Bait, and we aren't. We're just reliving the story. The better story.

The story that everyone should have known.

Welcome back to Jail Bait everyone. May your stay... Be like a prison.

Make sure to check out Jail Bait 2.0 out on the page... Now. See you in prison my inmates.

Jail Bait [Mashton] [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now