Chapter 1

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Air - Shawn mendes ft. Astrid S

A bright light shone above me. I was surrounded by the hundreds of teenage girls screaming for there idols. Music was booming out of speakers in front of us all. Everything I'd been waiting for, the whole experience, and they were about to come out on stage. Thick smoke filled the air, and I opened my eyes..

A blank blue wall faced me. I sat bolt upright and then nestled into my thick duvet covers, my head beating against my soft pillow. I looked up at the plain white ceiling, it was all another dream.

. I looked at my desk at the side of my room. It was covered in a thick heap of paper, stationary and lip glosses that I had never actually used.

"Harriet! It's half past seven! It's Monday! Get up! Your going to be late!

I remembered it was Monday. I stood up and tiredly slumped out of my bedroom, my long hair covering half of my eyes. I grabbed a banana, and sat down on the leather sofa in the sitting room. I turned on the TV, and channeled hopped until I found the music channel. Nothing good ever came on. I looked at the large metal clock on the pale cream wall, it was twenty to eight already, I had to be at school by nine.

Before I even thought about getting ready, I checked my phone. My eyes dazed at the screen longingly, hoping for a text, call, tweet or message from him. Nothing. No change.

I don't know why I even bother. He doesn't even speak to me anymore, I'm not worth it. To anyone.

I didn't have time to be thinking about people that didn't even care about me, I had my life to worry about. So I changed into my school uniform, and packed my bag.

Ready for another day of thinking the same thing, about the same person, in the same way, every day..

A thousand starsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon