Chapter 7

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"Harriet, I love you so much, and when I go on tour, promise me you'll stay strong. Your not alone, you never have been, you never will be. My heart breaks even if your smile is slightly disturbed, and I need you to know that I would do anything for you, 143.."

To see the glistening of tears in his eyes turned my heart upside down. I nodded and cried even more. I managed to whisper out
Before breaking down completely.
I looked up at him, and run my fingers through his smooth, soft hair.

"How long until you go?"

"Two weeks."

Two weeks was good I suppose, it was enough time to spend with Leo, and it was the summer holidays now.

The breeze pushed through me, weaving through my bones and pulling my hair to the side, forcing strands to wrap around my eyes and mouth, until I pushed them back into place.

I reached out my arm and stroked his smooth, pale cheeks, my Palm lay still with the tip of my thumb moving up and down. He had his hand slowly grazing my thigh, but not too explicitly, just lightly rubbing up and down slowly and smoothly. He then lifted his hand and held my waist, his eyes curiously dazing into mine.
"Shh, don't say anything."

We both leaned in, his hand was drifting up my thigh, up my waist, past my top and onto my cheek, slowly making small circles with his thumb.

He took my hand and put it over his chest, I could feel the fast beating inside, like a caged animal trying to escape. I had always believed that hearts are wild creatures, waiting to get out and lead who held them, but that is why our ribs are cages.

I could feel his breath on my lips,
My hand was still against his beating chest
"Hear that princess? My heart beats for you, and only you.. Now let me take you into my arms, and let me kiss you under the light of a thousand stars"

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