Chapter 13

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Tom came up from behind me, grabbing the collar of my white school shirt. I could tell how strong he was, as I was nearly lifted off my feet.

"So, I try to warn you off, and you follow me to form eh?"

He pushed me down into the tiled floor, my legs catching on the chair.
He knelt down and grabbed my collar again, pulling me up to his level.

"I warned you little man, you didn't want to get on my bad side. But since you've got in my way again, I suppose this school is gonna be more hell for you than it is for everyone else already. Don't try to run away, I'll always find you! Your not getting out of this."

I was gasping for air, until he finally let go, causing my head to slap on the cold, solid floor.

"Just to make one thing clear, I'm going to make sure this whole thing doesn't get out."

I looked at him in blank fear, wondering what he was going to make me do so that I wouldn't tell.


I shook my head fearfully, I could hardly speak due to the pain of the fall. And I had been badly winded when he kicked me previously.

He let go of me, and sat down in His chair, along with the rest of his gang in their seats. I picked myself up and rubbed my head, it wasn't bleeding, but I had a banging headache.

Mr.Andrews walked into the class room, I was sitting on the floor in a dizzy state.

"Leo are u okay? What happened?"

"Umm.. Well.."
Tom glared at me, and mouthed 'don't tell' his teeth snarling.

"I fell off my chair.."

"Oh, a swinger are we? Your lucky you haven't cracked your head open. Sit down quickly, sure your okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just banged my head a little bit."

"Okay, well as long as you say your perfectly fine."

And that's how the day went on..

I was pushed, punched, grabbed, strangled, but not in my face..

I now think that the bullies didn't want any noticeable damage to me, so that no questions would be asked. Smart kids.

The bell rang for the end of the school day. I sprinted out of the gates, to see my mums little black car parked in the small car park. I opened the boot and threw in my bag, and got into the front of the car.

My mum gave me a kiss on the cheek, and started the car.

"Hey buddy! How was your first day?"

"I-it was good thanks!"

"Leo, you look like your having a hot flush! Are you okay? Drink some water!"

She passed me a cold bottle of Buxton water. I quickly drank it all down.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just warm inside and now it's warm in here and, yeah! Im fine!"


It was mostly quiet for the rest of that journey home, she didn't have any questions, and I didn't have any stories.

We finally got home, after what seemed like the longest car journey of my life.

I grabbed my bag out of the boot and speed walked into the house, I wanted to get inside as quick as possible. I ran upstairs and dumped my bag down on the floor, locking my door behind me.
I heard my mum shout,

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