Chapter 2

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We are young - fun feat janelle monáe

'Him'. Leondre devries. Rapper. Teen sensation. Heart throb. My life.
I had known him since I was 10 years old, yet I felt I still didn't know him at all.

We used to be so close to each other, but now we're so far apart. I checked my phone once again, my fingers intertwined in my loose, dark, ringlet curls. My dark brown eyes were fixated on the bright phone screen. I had always longed for my mothers green eyes, but had been born with my fathers oak brown ones. Fortunately, they came with a slight emerald green tinge around the outside. I looked through my Instagram, Twitter, snapchat, nothing. Why am I so fixated on something that will never happen? He's forgotten me, he has a life too important for a reject like me...

I closed my eyes and lifted my head up to the bright light the sun had shone down on me. I soaked up the heat lightly beating down on my pale face. I quickly brushed away a curl from my eyes. I thought back, back to when times were better. I had a full family. I had a happy life. I had my bestfriend by my side. Leo.

We would sit outside my front door for hours, sometimes the whole day, talking to each other. Nothing specific, just talking. We would share a chocolate bar or packet of crisps, he would talk about his dreams of becoming a rapper, about his old school and being bullied, and he would say to me..

"Harriet, I will always be there for you, your my best friend! I will catch you if you fall, as long as we're there for each other!"

He was the best friend I could ask for. But then things changed. We had a conversation one day that changed everything..

"So I met this guy on Facebook, he's called Charlie lenehan. He comes from Bristol, and he's a singer! I found one of his covers and he's amazing. And we  planned to meet up this Saturday!"

"Wow Leo.. I-I'm really happy for you!"

"Harriet, are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You'll always be my best friend, you know that right?"


"Charlie isn't going to change anything. It will always be Harry and Leo!"

"Haha, I love it when you call me Harry!"

"Good! So we good?"

"We good."


But he lied. He met up with Charlie, and things went quiet. And then he stopped speaking to me. I asked if he wanted to hang out, and he just said
"I'm busy sorry, maybe another time x"

I soon got depressed, and rarely left my room. I would sit with my headphones in, and blank out the world. I didn't make friends in school, because I didn't like to speak.

I then I realized, the ones who say they will catch you when you fall.. Are sometimes the ones that push you down..

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