Chapter 11

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*leos p.o.v

I wrapped my arm around her waist, slowly stroking downwards. (Yes I touched her bum!!!)

She lifted up her head, the summer daylight beaming heat onto her face, Her eyes were closed in warmth. I could see the dust from her makeup across her face. There was a large stroke of it loose on her cheek. I swept it away, her small nose twitching as I wiped my finger across her face. She gave that toothy grin that she does when she's happy.

I saw a headphone sticking out of her purse, so I grabbed it and stuck it in my phone. She looked at me confused, until i put it in her left ear and pressed play.

I knew her favourite song, she had put it on Instagram a few days ago.

"Baby I want all the strings attached,
Love it when you look at me like that,
And your the only girl that brings me back,
Cause baby I want all the strings attached,
It's like always and forever,
I won't let a moment pass,
Cause when I'm with you I feel better,
I want all the strings,
All the strings attached."

I knew how much she loved Shawn Mendes, a cute, closed smile beamed ear to ear across her face.

I love it when she's really happy, and she gets these cute little crinkles under her eyes. She always told me how she hated them, and how she would trade them for anything in the world.

But I wouldn't trade them for the world. Every little thing about her was so amazing,
From the face she pulled when she ate something sour, where her nose would crinkle up and her tong would stick out. To the cute little kinks, curls and waves drifting through her long, shiny hair, all the way down to the top of her back.

I've just never loved anyone so much before..

I would die before I let anyone hurt her..

She's my world, my life, and my shining star.

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