Chapter 19

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Leo's p.o.v*

I had my head dangling loosely over the side of my bed, my feet up against my wall. I had a phone to my ear, whispering, chewing the fingernails of my free hand nervously. My forehead dripped with sweat, to mix with my tear stained face.

Come on.. This is the 6th time now, pick up baby pick up.

I mumbled to myself as the phone buzzed down me ear. One buzz was like one tear falling down her face.

Welcome, and thank you for calling Vodafone-


I stood up, clutching my fists tightly, with my eyes squeezed closed. I went over to my wall, and with one hard blow, punched right into the wall. Shooting pains went from my knuckles and up my arm, causing it to go numb elbow-down.

Once again, I collapsed on my bed. I couldn't help it anymore. I curled up in a ball and fell in a heap of loud, screaming sobs. Hot tears ran down my cheeks and my neck, staining down my T-shirt and dripping across my arms.

Why!!! WHY?!?!

I lay there for what seemed like 20 minutes, until I gathered the strength to get up, and walk over to my window.

I clicked the handle and turned it, opening the window to let the hot summers heat beam down on my tear stained face. I needed to let her know.

I took a large, deep breath in, and screamed.


There was obviously no answer back.

I decided to have some fresh air, to dry the tears from my face. I grabbed my phone, and my Adidas jacket, and left the house.

My mum was out, which was good. She has no idea about any of this, she hasn't even asked about Harriet.

I sat on the wall outside my front garden. Lifting my head up to face the yellow sun, I felt the heat pulsing onto my red, hot cheeks. It felt good for a while, until the memories came flooding in like a tsunami.

It was that kiss.. That bitch that ruined my life. I couldn't imagine how Charlie was feeling, after she had gotten him drunk! I mean, she was about my age, maybe a year older, DRINKING?

Clearing negativity out of my head, spare my problem, I decided to try and call again. And again. And again. No answer.

I was up in my feet, walking down my street, my eyes glued to my phone. I swear i knocked into a few passers bye, but they said nothing. Neither did I, and I continued to send calls and texts hoping that I could hear her beautiful voice again.

I got a text, from my mum. It read:

Just coming up the street now, should be home about now.

Shoot, need to make my way back then.

The thing is, I had no idea where I was standing.

I heard a screech, a horn, and I looked up from my phone, dropping it on the floor.

The screen shattered like ice, and before I could even think. It happened.

It hit me. The last thing I saw was the flash of lights, and then darkness. The last things I heard were a car door slam and somebody shout 'LEONDRE!!"
The last thing I felt was pain. Pain, then numbness. Numbness, then nothing at all. Darkness. Silence. As if a thousand stars had been knocked out of me.

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