Chapter 22

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My mum had to stop me from running straight across the car park. But where was he? So many different doors to go through, and twisted-turned pavements that led into all different wards, which led to even more wards, which led to more!

My head swerved around the signs, trying to rack my brains.

Where would he go? I mean, which ward is for people who have just been violently thrashed agains the windshield of a Mercedes?

My eyes flicked from door to door.
Cancer ward? No..
Maternity? Defiantly not.
Think Harriet! Think!

I felt a soft nudge on my rib cage.
I looked up to see my mums face stressed and pale, her eyes had turned from the emerald green to a lifeless, colorless grey. She tilted her head towards a large, brown door, surrounded by ambulances and cars.

The blue and white sign above the door was labeled: emergency unit.

I went to say something, but then something struck me.

A paramedic jumped out of the drivers side of one of the ambulances. Some more, about 6 of them, piled out after him, shouting and gesturing their arms to go through the door.
The back doors of the large, flashing ambulance swung open violently, to make way for a large, metal ramp that loudly thrashed against the grey, brick paving.

About another 4 paramedics were hauling out a long, metal stretcher, which held a man. No.. A boy.
He looked about my age, but taller than me. He had an oxygen mask over his face, and I could just make out his dark, wavy locks in amongst the wires and tubes covering his face and mouth. One arm was tucked neatly underneath the thin, paper cover that lay gently over him, while his other arm, hung loosely over the side of the metal, his fingers lifelessly curled on his limp, dangled hand.

I knew this all to well..
That boy..
It was Leondre..
My baby.. Tangled in wires.. Fighting for his own life.

Soon enough, the little voice kicked in, and my head and sight started to get blurry.

Stupid bitch. If he hadn't of met you, this would of never happened! He could of been meeting fans, had a girlfriend, an ATTRACTIVE ONE! Not a stupid little girl like you!

Shut up..

No! I won't shut up! Truth hurts doesn't it? You've ALWAYS been the stupid, ugly duckling haven't you? You screw everything up! Every bad thing that's ever happened to anyone, is because of you!!

I said shut up..

Haha, can't handle it? Look at him!! He's literally fighting for his own life!
And there is nobody to blame but-


Yes, but if Leo hadn't of met you, him and Georgia WOULD of missed, but he wouldn't have YOU to chase after.

That actually shut me up. I knew it was true, I had to face it.
I started to wish that.. Wish that I never met him...
And I know that's a horrible thing to say, but it's true.
If I hadn't of met him, he could of had a beautiful girlfriend, him and Charlie could be on a tour, he could be meeting all the amazing bambinos!
Oh my god..
The bambinos!

This is all my fault! What would I tell them? But then again, they have no idea who I am.. But they'll be heartbroken when they find out what's happened to Leo! And hell we heartbroken too..

I couldn't stand around here anymore, I needed to see Leondre.

Tears were burning my face, I needed my baby. I looked at my mum, who had her hand over her mouth, in shock and sympathy. She looked like she was going to cry herself.

I didn't wait for anything, I ran. I ran after the paramedics, after Leondre. They didn't see me at first, but then one lifted up his head and pointed a finger at me, as I sprinted towards the stretcher.

Two of them quickly turned around, and grabbed my arms as I went to crash into them.


"I am sorry miss, but unless you have any family relation to him, I'm afraid fans are not aloud in with him.."


Another paramedic piled out of the large, metal doors. He had his arms around a woman, gently leading her into the doorway. Her face was a pale white, like a sheet. Her eyes were dark, along with her hair, making her look faintly ghostly. She had clear, red year marks running down her cheeks, which had a slight pinkish tinge. Her hand was to her mouth, her fingernails being bitten down shortly.

I knew her all to well, it was Leos mum, Victoria. She gave me a glance, and pulled away from the paramedic. She slowly walked towards me, and put her cold hands on my shoulders. Her dark, lifeless eyes were fixated into my, also dark and quite possibly lifeless, eyes. A single tears ran down her pale, white cheeks. She quickly pulled me into a tight embrace, her hands stroking down my hair, like Leo used to do.

I hugged her back, accidentally sobbing into her white, silky work blouse.

"Vic, I-"

"Shh, it's okay."

We then pulled away, and looked at one of the paramedics. He nodded, and let me, Vic and my mum through the door.

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