Chapter 18

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Your p.o.v**

I swung my legs back and forth from the wooden chair I was motionlessly slumped on. My back was arched, my head hanging down looking at my knees. My long curls were flipped over my face, reaching my thighs as I tried desperately to hide my tear stained face from the world.

How could he do this to me.. How?
I exhaled loudly, a sob creaking every time I took in a short, sharp inhale.
I wished that every time I breathed in, the air would just disappear around me, that the next sharp sob would be my last.

But unfortunately, because there was other people in the world besides me, this would most likely not happen. So I continued to hang my head, swing my feet, and cry over somebody who I thought cared about me..

What did I do?..

And as always in these situations, the little voice in my head kicked in..

Your a LOSER, your FAT, your UGLY! NOBODY LIKES YOU!! Don't you get it? Leo's a superstar now, do you really think he cares about a reject like you?

I rested my elbows on my thighs, my head sinking into my hands.

Shut up...
I mumbled to myself.

Oh come on! Your pathetic! Your dumb! Look at yourself! Your a MESS! Why do you even carry on?

This made me steer my attention to the mirror, as if I was being hypnotized to stare at myself.

I looked at my now tangles curls, running my hands back through my scalp. I looked at the light reddish patches on my pale white skin.

I gave out a long, loud sigh. A tear ran down from my dull, no longer shining oak brown eyes. It fell into my chest, as I collapsed into a hot, teary mess on my bed.

Next to where I lay, was a picture frame. It was white and silver, with silver writing across the bottom which read: best friends!

I smiled at the picture, and picked it up to lay it on my chest. It was a picture of me and Leo when we were younger. We were sitting on a bench, with a tub of ice cream in between us. I had my hand over my mouth, laughing hysterically at Leo, who had his mouth open with ice cream all around his face. That was a great day, we were at the beach. So young, didn't know any better, bless us! Nothing could hurt us, we were Leo and Harry!

But now he's finally left you!

I sat bolt upright.

Shut up...

Don't hide it! He hates you! Why would he kiss Georgia!

I said shut up..

I'll shut up when your realize that your-


I couldn't take this stupid little voice anymore! Forget about Leo! I needed to entertain MYSELF for once.

My phone was sat on the corner of my dressing table, the extremely cracked screen gleaming into the light that was coming out of my open window. I got up and checked it, 18 misses calls from Leondre. God, I miss that boy. But he wasn't worth it.

Just as I was about to put my phone back down, I got a call.

It wasn't from Leo.. It was Victoria.

I quickly answered, I knew something can't be right if Vic was involved.


"Oh Harriet thanks god!!"

"Mrs devries, is everything okay?"

My heart was pounding.

Silence echoed down the line for a short while, then a crack of a voice whispered down the line.

"It's Leo.. He's.. He's.."

Ooh tension! :) sorry I havnt been active with my story, been getting busy with homework and school 😊 anyway, thoughts about it? What will happen next :) I already know, obvs! Telling you, it's getting good! Thanks for reading this far, nearly 150 reads was not expecting that AT ALL when I joined wattpad!

So anyway, thanks so much for all your amazing feedback, enjoyed reading it so much! Xxx I will update as soon as possible, thanks so much guys!

Keep smiling x ~ Georgia x

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