Chapter 14

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We found a cute little Starbucks on the corner, I know how much Harriet loves Starbucks! I even know her favorite:

Mango and passion fruit juiced frappucccuno :)

I loved the way she always called it Starbies, she couldn't say it without laughing! It was so cute!

"So, where do you want to go? Your choice!"

"Oh, ummmm,"

She giggled and put her hand over her mouth.

"How about Starbies?"

She started to laugh really hard!


I could listen to her little giggles all day! They were so cute, every so often she'd do a little pig snort, which she said she hated. I loved it, she was really cute, like a little kitten.

She had all these little things about her that made her Harriet.

• the way she flips her thick curls over to one side of her head, which makes it look even bigger!

•The way she looks out of the window like a movie when she listens to a sad song.

•The way she knows every word to 'shut up' by black eyes peas, and whenever she sings it, she does all the voices perfectly!

• How whenever she's nervous she bites her nails, like me...

• She can't be annoyed for long, because I know her ticklish spot.

•When I tickle her, she does this cute little squeal, and jerks her head like a tortoise!

And all these little things make up big things, and these big things make up Harriet.. My princess...
*** ***

We were sat down at  a small, round table in the corner of the building.

I was holding her hands, sitting opposite her to look at her beautiful face.
"Harriet, I-"


Your p.o.v*

I knew those voices all too well, the high pitched squeaky voices.

They were the girls who sat behind me in English class. The ones who pull my hair, call me names, who turn up at the school gates every morning just to push me down and watch me suffer.

A chill ran down my spine as a cold, possible soulless embrace was wrapped around my back.

"Harriet! Oh my god! How's your summer been? Omg I've missed youuuu! Sorry I've not been active lately, been on holiday and shat! But mainly, this guy! Wow! The real Leo devries?"

" the flesh.." I sighed, along with a fake smile to go with the fake personalities covering there
makeup-afied faces.

The bullies were called Sophie And Emily.

I watched in disgust as Sophie flirted with Leondre, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder, her ice blue eyes fixated into Leo's. Emily stood by her, giving me a piercing stare with her dark brown eyes, as if to say you dare screw this up.

"Oh Leo, please may I chat to Harriet in the bathrooms, for 5 mins? She's like my best friend and I would love to do a quick catch up!"
Squealed Sophie, her high pitched voice filled with fake joy. She twisted her glossy, blonde hair on the tip of her index finger, whilst chewing bubble gum sweetly. Like butter wouldn't melt. I wanted to throw her buttery little face at an ice burg.

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