Chapter 17

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** your p.o.v

It's been 4 days since Leo's sleepover. I haven't seen that bitch Georgia in that time either.

But today I have to meet up with her again.. This time at Charlie's house.
That bitch is INSANE! She's friends with a bully- scrap that - she IS a bully, and Charlie AND Leo have no idea!
I wanted to yank her hair extensions right out of her scalp and slap her with them!!!!

But, today I was going to stay away, At any coming opportunity. If I was to be left alone with her, I would insist that I would go with Leo. Anything, just to stay away from that crazy bitch!


Leo picked me up as usual and walked me to Charlie's house, just up the road. He held my hand tightly, I was so lucky to have him. He made me feel warm, safe, he made me feel his. Like no other girl could take him away from me. Our own little universe between us both.

He was mine.. And I was his.. His princess.. My prince.

*** Leo's p.o.v

We reached Charlie's door, I could hear the sound of giggles and music inside.
I knocked in the door, to the beat of hopeful, like we always do, and shortly the door swung open.

I was greeted by Charlie, his eyes near enough closed, his mouth in a huge smile.
"Leo! Harry! Welcommmme!"

He pulled us both into a large embrace, the faint smell of alcohol swished around me.. Was he.. Drunk?
No.. Charlie's not drunk!

"Lemme take you to ma crib gang!"

He took a step backwards, proceeding to stumble up the stairs, tripping every couple of steps.

We reached his bedroom, where the aroma was even stronger. His door swung open to see bottles all over the floor, Georgia lying on his bed glugging down a large can of cider.

She gave me a smile, and raised her eyebrows, whilst raising her can.

"Heyyyyy guyssss! Join the partayyy!"

OH MY GOD!! CHARLIE HAD GOTTEN DRUNK!! but Charlie swore he didn't drink.. And he's just started n- GEORGIA?!?!?!?

"Soooo guyssss who wants a drinkkkk'

Harriet and I have him a discussed glare, the goofy smile wiping completely wiping from his face. I wrapped my arm around her, still giving Charlie the scowl.

"What's up guyssss?"

"Charlie.. I want you to answer me.. Are you drunk?"

His face was blank, as if he had just realized. He dropped his head, looking at his black nike Roches. His mouth was open, but no words were coming out.

I turned and raised my eyebrows at Georgia, her eyes were filled with what looked like amusement, that.. BITCH!

"Georgia... Can I speak to ya?"

She raised her eyebrows and gave me a small smile.

"Sure Leo!"

I nodded to Georgia, and she quickly put her hand on Charlie's back and led him out of the room.
Georgia was 14, like me, so it would be easy to have a chat with her as we were the same age.

I sat down on Charlie's bed next to her, pushing away an empty beer bottle that riled towards my thigh.

"Look Georgia.. I-"
Before I could say anything she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me in, the smell of her alcoholic breath pulsing onto my lips.

I was about speak, but then it happened. She kissed me on the lips, hard. I tried to pull away but she gripped tighter on my shirt. My eyes were wide open.

Eventually, I managed to push her Away, she was breathing heavily.


"I've been waiting for that baby."

And before I could even begin to argue, she kissed me again.

Then.. The door creaked.

We both pulled away to see Charlie and Harriet stood in the doorway, eyes wide open in shock.

I looked at Harriet, my mouth dropped open but no words came out. I could see the tears building up into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Harriet I-"


And she ran out of the room like lightening. Charlie shaking his head and running after her. The last thing I heard was sobs.. And the front door slam shut.

No.. NO!!!


but I can't lose her... And I won't lose her... Never

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