Chapter 12

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We reached the tall park gates, the smell of freshly cute grass filled the air around us, weaving in and out.

We walked in, the sound of children playing, tree leaves swishing and birds singing there songs. There was a weeping willow tree, a bit like Leo's, a way out in a flat patch of grass. Nobody was at under it, everyone had there feet in the pond, or were sitting on a bench in the sunshine, soaking up the morning warmth.

Leo picked me up bridal style, taking me by surprise, and slowly made his way to the tree. Older couples were looking at us and smiling at each other, some aww-ing, some saying
"Remember when we were like that?"
And some just staring at us lovingly.

We got to the tree, and Leo knelt down to lightly place me on the ground.
He sat down next me me, and whispered in my ear,
"Today is looking perfect.."
"It sure is baby!"

So we lay down, my head on his chest, his chin resting on my crown,
My hand on his stomach,
His hand on top of mine,
My leg up beneath his waist,
His firmly straight.

We didn't sleep, we just lay there.
He moved his head for a second, I thought he was just looking around, or he got hair in his mouth.

But then he started giving me loads of quick little kissed on my forehead.

"Aww Leo! That feels nice"
"You like that princess?"

We both giggled softly, like little kids.
He stroked his palm down my back, all the way to the bottom, where those dimple things are, and then back up to my shoulder blades.

I reached out my hand hand started stroking his cheek, the same way I always do, my palm firmly flat, with my thumb moving up and down slowly.

He put his hand on top of mine, as I continued to make small circular movements with my thumb. He put his hand on top of my head, and stroked my hair down to the bottom, flattening it as he pressed against my springy curls.

"I love you so much Harriet, your my world, and I would die before I let anything happen to you."

"Leo, I love you even more! I love you more than anyone, anything! Your my life!"

I snuggled into his arms, closing my eyes and giving a smile.

"Harriet, what would I do without you? I was miserable without you, with the bullies and all,"

"Leondre, come to think of it, you never actually told me your bullying story...."

He gave a sigh and looked up into the summery branches of the tree.

"It was 3 years ago, when I was 11. You would've been 10 I suppose. Your 12 now aren't you?"

I nodded. I'm thirteen in December, much younger than Leo. We didn't seem to mind though.


Leos p.o.v*

It had never bothered me that we were 2 years apart, I like younger girls.
People always said that she was too young for me, as I'm 15 in October, but I didn't think much of it.

I can remember that year of school like it was 5 minutes ago... The pain and torture that the bullies put my through, for no reason at all.


Back to 3 years ago.*

It was my first day at my new school. I don't like to say the name.
My mum dropped me off at the school gates, and popped a quick kiss on my cheek.
"Okay buddy, I'll pick you up tonight, I'll be waiting to hear all about your first day!"
I didn't think much of that, I loved my mum! She was always there for me, through anything, and I could always speak to her.
I walked through the large metal gates of the school, my hands clenched tightly into my black back pack. I had my head down, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. after all, being the new kid is awkward!
I was curious as to what groups of kids there were in the school, like which ones I think I should stay away from.
There was a table with a group of boys and girls. They all had there heads stuck in books, some in deep conversation about doctor who and the maths homework.
I chose to stay away for now, not really the kind of things I like to talk about.

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