"What if I have waxy build-up in my ear?!"

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February 2, 1998

Today, my first block was Library Skills. I was looking through the library shelves, and Zach came over and stood so close to me that we were touching. He started telling me about something crazy that happened.

Over the weekend, Zach and Matt slept over Jacob’s house. Jacob’s dad found weed in Matt’s bag and drove him home at 3:00 in the morning! I already knew Matt smoked weed, but this is proof. Wow.

I didn’t flirt with Zach as much as I could have, but I didn’t ignore him or anything. A couple of times his mouth was like, half a centimeter from my ear while he was talking to me. The only thought going through my head was: “What if I have waxy build-up in my ear?!”

[Good thing I remember everything I learned in Library Skills, huh?]

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