"Did you hear the rumors?"

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February 23, 1998

Zach got braces but he doesn’t look that bad. I can hardly even notice them. He’s getting them off in October.

I saw Zach in the 7th-grade hall, talking with Amanda Collins at her locker. I was furious, but I quickly walked by without saying a word.

I didn’t confront him or anything, but in Drama class, he explained. [Drama class. How fitting.] He sat down next to me and asked, “Did you hear the rumors?”

I said, “No.” Even though I had. There were about a zillion different rumors going around, all based on one thing: I had given Zach a blow job.

I didn’t want him to start talking about it, so I just said I didn’t know what he was talking about. He was like, “I think Matt started it. Ask Matt.” Matt has a tendency to start rumors.

In the hall after school, I leaned over the railing near Zach’s locker and shouted down to Matt, who was on the stairs: “Matt! Fuckhead! Hey, Matt!” [Now there’s an surefire way to get someone’s attention.]

He looked up and I said, “Why did you start those rumors?” He said, “I didn’t. Ryan did.”

I was like, new mission. I hurried down the hall to Ryan’s locker and said accusingly, “Who the hell do you think you are?” [Again, going with a strong opener.] He said, “What?” I said, “Why did you start those rumors?” He smiled: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I don’t really give a fuck about the rumors. I actually think it’s kind of cool. Zach pretends to care, but I think he really thinks it’s cool, too. Everyone already thinks we had sex.

When I walked down the 8th-grade hall a few days ago, one of the 8th-grade boys yelled to his friends as I walked by, “Hey, there’s the girl that Zach fucked!” And 8th-grade boys refer to me as “Zach’s little girlfriend.”

Once, Zach was talking to me out near the busses, and one of the 8thgraders came over to us. He gave me the once over, nodded approvingly, and said to Zach, “So this is your girlfriend?” Zach said, “Um… yeah.” I felt so special. [Apparently, it didn’t take much.] Zach thinks that guy is gay. Whatever.

Jenna has a big crush on Aaron. I think I’m going to ask him out for her the next time I see him. [Without her permission. That’s what friends are for!]

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