Daniel tackled me and as soon as I got to my feet, Louis knocked me back down.

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March 13, 1999

Yesterday after school, Gina and I went over to Stacy's house. We were planning on having a snowball fight with Daniel, Louis, and Mark. That didn't sound like that much fun, but whatever.

We were online as my screen name and Steph was online as the screen name DieEmilyLindin. She invited me into a private chat room. I went in, but only for a second, because nothing happened. Matt instant messaged me from his screen name: "Emily?" But I didn't answer him. I didn't want to deal with Matt.

Anyway, we went over to the school yard to have the snowball fight. While we were walking there, I felt like a really big loser because I know Louis doesn't really like me. I was afraid that when we got to the school yard, they wouldn't be there.

But when we got close, we could see them, and they ran to meet us. My pants were soaked through, I had snow down my shirt, and my hair was a wet mess. We were playing "full body contact," meaning I got picked up and thrown in the snow about a million times and broke about a billion bones. [Just to be clear, when I got thrown in the snow, it broke all the bones in all the bodies of everyone living in the metropolitan area.]

It didn't really hurt, though, because there was about a foot of snow to cushion my fall. Daniel tackled me and as soon as I got to my feet, Louis knocked me back down, and all the while Mark was chucking hunks of snow at my face. Then Louis had to go home, so it kind of died down.

So Stacy and I started to build a snowman, and Daniel built a snow prostitute. [I wonder how he indicated that it was a snow prostitute, specifically?]

Our snowman turned out to just be a snow midget because it was taking too long. But Mark randomly decided to knock over Daniel's prostitute, so Daniel got mad and started chucking snow at our snow midget. He made a hole in the bottom of it and yelled, "Look, now your snow midget has a pussy!" And Mark ran over, dove onto the ground, and buried his face in the hole! That was so out of character of Mark.

Today, Daniel was acting a lot like Nathan. Every time he'd say or do something, I would imagine Nathan doing the same thing. It was weird and sad. I miss Nathan a lot.

He hates me though, and it's not funny because he hates me with a passion. He's very into hating me and I don't like it at all. It's not my fault our relationship got boring. It's not my fault Chris Walker practically assaulted me. [Atta girl!] So for shit's sake, Nathan, STOP BLAMING ME!

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