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My Uncle told me to stay outside of the building. I was nervous. This was basically putting me in danger but I had to tell him when to arrive. Many people were entering the building not knowing what they were getting them selfs into. I moved my dark hair from my face as screamed were heard inside. That was my cue. I ran away from the building and hid behind a column. "Uncle Tony?" I asked into my ear piece.
"Is it time yet?" He asked.
"Almost" I said as people flooded out of the building. Soon Loki came into view. His suit slowly changed into gold, green, and black armor.
"Kneel before me" Loki said as holograms of himself appeared around a large group making them feel trapped.
"I said: KNEEL!" He yelled the people in the group all began to kneel.
"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel" Loki said as a voice in the crowd spoke up.
"Not to a man like you" said a older man.
"There are no men like me" Loki said.
"There are always men like you" he said.
"Look to your elder people. Let him be an example" Loki said as he fires his scepter at the man. I nearly fainted when Captain America jumped down blocking the blast sending the blast back to Loki making him fall down. I started freaking out due to me being a fan girl.
"You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we wended up disagreeing" Captain said.
"The solider, the man out of time" Loki said.
"I'm not the one out of time" Cap said as a large jet flew above.
"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down" said a female voice.
"I'll give you three minutes to get here" I said into the ear piece.
"On it" Uncle Tony replied.
Captain and Loki started to fight. I'm gonna kill Loki if he even scratches him. Then the song "Shoot to Thrill" by ACDC came over the loud speakers as Iron Man landed in front of Loki and pointed most of his weapons at him.
"Make your move reindeer games" Tony said as I walked out from behind my hiding place. I fixed my sweater and my hair trying to make a good impression on the captain. Loki's armor disappeared.
"I said three minutes" I said staring at my Uncle.
"I couldn't wait much longer" he said smiling.
"Stark" Captain said greeting my Uncle.
"Captain" Uncle Tony said. These two are complete opposites.
"Who are you?" Captain asked me.
"I'm Taylor Stark. Tony's niece" I said smiling reaching out to shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you mrs Stark" he said knowing that I'm Howard Stark's granddaughter. He smiled kindly at me as we walked onto the jet with Loki. I stood in the middle of Tony and Steve trying not to listen to their conversation. Boys are confusing. Soon there was a loud crack of thunder and Loki got scared.
"What's the matter? Scared of a little light" Steve asked.
"I'm not overly found of what follows" Loki said as the ramp opened and there stood a man with long blonde hair and he was wearing full battle armor. Who is he? Uncle Tony went after them while I stayed on the jet. Soon Steve followed after them. I'm not that good at fighting so I'm not jumping out of a jet. Soon they were back in the jet with the new guest. His name is Thor Odinson god of Thunder and lighting. I like his voice. I asked him if I could try and pick up his hammer. He put the handle into my hands and I instantly fell to the ground. Thor picked it back up easily without any struggle. Show off.

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