Starting School

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I was starting school today and I was very nervous. I asked Uncle Tony about homeschool, BRUCE COULD TEACH ME! Uncle Tony wouldn't break. He knew his decision and it was final. I was already in the car and ready to go. Happy said I'd be fine. Knowing me I'd probably freeze a popular kid. Loki on the other hand was ready to assist me in my schoolwork. When we got to the building I tried to smile. Midtown. I got out of the car and walked towards the building. I turned and waved at Happy before I entered the building. Worriedly I made my way to the front office.
"Uh hi. I'm Taylor Stark" I said to the secretary. She handed me my schedule and told me where the gym and lunch room was. I thanked her and left the office. I found my homeroom and walked into the classroom earning looks from other students. One actually recognized me.
"Oh yes. Everyone meet Taylor Stark. You're Tony Starks daughter or what are you?" The teacher asked.
"I'm his niece" I said.
"Oh well it's great to have a Stark in the building" said the teacher as she gestured for me to sit. I sat down next to a boy maybe a little older than me.
"I'm Eugene but everyone calls me Flash" he said reaching to shake my hand.
"Nice to meet you Eugene" I said shaking his hand and he took my small hand and kissed the top. I quickly jerked away and thankfully the bell rang. The one who recognized me rushed after me.
"So you're the Taylor Stark. You know the one who used ice powers to freeze aliens in the battle?" he asked.
"Yes but I'm not aloud to use my powers in school" I whispered as we walked to Science class.
"I'm Peter Parker" he said smiling.
"You know who I am" I said.
The school day went very fast. With Loki's help I got through multiple things. I already made one friend. Peter Parker. There was something about him that made me smile. He reminded me of my cousin. Loki would say some answers to questions here and there but most of it was me and Peter. Peter showed me around the building and sometimes Flash would put his arm on my shoulder when he passed him in the hall. I always pushed his hand off. I'm 12. Lay off. He's probably like 16 or 17. I also met Gwen Stacy. She's nice. Me and her talked. She works at OsCorp. I said about her joining Stark Industries and she said she'd look into it. When school was over I exited the building to see my best friend waiting for me. Steven Grant Rogers. I guess my uncle told him to pick me up after school.
"Steve!" I said throwing my arms around him and giving him a hug. I haven't seen him since our little dance at my birthday party. I wanted to dance with him again. He's a great dancer I don't see why he was ever nervous.
"It's great to see you all better Tay" Steve said as he motioned for me to get on his motorcycle. I climbed on and he put a helmet on my head. I gave him one of those 'really' looks.
"Safety first" he said climbing on. I wrapped my arms around him and then we took off.
"I've never ridden on one of these before" I said smiling.
"Well enjoy it" Steve said as we pulled up to Stark Tower that was still under repairs.
"I'll be picking you up after school for about a week or two. Next week Tony has this meeting thing with SHIELD so you'll be just coming home with me. Then you go back to Malibu" he said smiling as I got off his motorcycle and gave him the helmet.
"Thanks for the ride Steve. See you tomorrow" I said hugging him before heading inside the building. I closed the door and Happy nearly crushed me in a hug.
"How was school?!" He said putting me down onto the ground.
"It was fine, Happy. Is my Uncle home?" I asked.
"Pepper is. Your Uncle will be back soon. Just had to do something at SHIELD" Happy said.
"Awesome sauce" I said before following Happy to the elevator. We went to the floor we needed to be on.
"TAYLOR!" Pepper greeted pulling me into a hug, "how was school?"
"It was fine" I said taking off my book bag.
"Any homework?" She asked.
"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.
"Great. Tony will be home soon" Pepper said smiling.
"Awesome. What was he doing this time at SHIELD? If it had to do with science I want in" I pointed out.
"I guess you could help me and Bruce design Veronica" Uncle Tony said entering the room.
"What's that for?" I asked.
"Suppose to keep the other guy contained if he gets out of control" Uncle Tony said giving Pepper a kiss on the cheek.
"I'd love to help. If it gets me out of school I'm in!" I said smiling.
"What's up with you not wanting to go to school, Frosty" he said.
"Frosty? Really? That's the best you can do?" I asked crossing my arms.
"Yes?" He said as if it were a question.
"What else you got?" I asked.
"Ice Princess, Snowflake, Elsa, and Ice" he said.
"Elsa? Really?" I asked.
"You know that new disney m-" he started.
"Yeah I saw it and I cried" I said making him laugh.
"I still can't believe you cried" he said.
"Oh please! You act surprised. You're talking to a girl who cried when she watched Marly & Me!" I said as he started walking to the lab and I followed behind.
"Well I will admit that movie is upsetting but it's basically something girls would cry at" he said.
"Me and Pepper both cried" I said as Pepper drank her coffee with a smile.
"And you both cried in the Lion King, Cinderella, The Croods, am I forgetting anything?" uncle Tony asked.
"I only cried in the Croods because she never got to tell her dad she loved him before he was about to 'die'!" I defended.
"I agree with Elsa" Pepper said.
"Oh not you too!" I said making them both laugh.
"Well you need a superhero name for the Press. What shall it be? Like how I have Iron Man. You need one" Uncle Tony said.
"SnowFlake" I said smiling.
"SnowFlake?" Pepper asked.
"Sounds cool" Uncle Tony said smiling.
"SnowFlake is at your service" I said, "okay I need a new saying."
"I'll help!" Uncle Tony said as me and him raced down to the lab to work on his suits. I loved helping with the suits.

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