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There was a loud thud and I looked up towards the one area where I thought it would be coming from. And sure enough there was my Uncle getting out of his Iron Man suit. He walked inside the same time Loki did. I made sure I was out of Loki's reach. My leg still hurt.
"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity" Loki said and I let out a laugh.
"Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you" Uncle Tony said going to the bar. He's gonna pull a Stark move isn't he.
"You should have left your armor on for that" Loki said.
"Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?" My Uncle said calmly making me smile.
"Stalling me won't change anything" Loki said to him.
"No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one" Uncle Tony said getting a glass.
"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?" Loki asked.
"The Avengers" my Uncle said as Loki looks at him, confused, "It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. 'EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES' type of thing."
"Yes, I've met them" Loki said.
"Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one" Uncle Tony said, "But, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-God; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan" Loki said.
"Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you" He said.
"I have an army" Loki said.
"We have a HULK" Uncle Tony said.
"I thought the beast had wandered off" Loki said.
"You're missing the point. There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it" Tony said as Loki slowly walks up to him; raising the scepter.
"How will your friends have time for me,when they're so busy fighting you?" Loki said as he taps Uncle Tony on the chest with his scepter. Nothing. Confused, Loki tries again. Nothing.
"It should work" Loki said.
"Well, performance issues. You know?" Uncle Tony said. In anger, Loki grabs Tony by the throat and flings him across the room.
"UNCLE TONY!" I said trying to get to them but my leg hurt so bad.
"Jarvis. Anytime now" Tony said as Loki grabs Tony by the throat again.
"You will all fall before me" Loki said as he throws Tony out the window letting him free fall to the ground below.
"UNCLE TONY!!!" I yelled. Then out of no where something flys out of the elevator and out the broken window. I knew exactly what to do.
"And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil" I said as my Uncle Tony flew up and blasted Loki making him go backward.
"Taylor! Get some where safe. And this time please follow my orders" he said.
"You should know me well enough. I don't follow orders" I said getting up and running down the hallway. A sharp pain shot up my leg. I hate running. I got to my room and shut the door quickly locking it. Uncle Tony had showed me the secret way to his lab. This is gonna be fun. I pulled down on the one book and the bookcase moved. I slid through the small hole and crawled through the vents and soon I was in Uncle Tony's lab. I found the suit Uncle Tony had made me incase anything ever happened. I put on the suit. It was the same color was my Uncles but the suit it's self was smaller. Let's go help save the world.

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