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After changing into a dress and a servant came and did my hair. She seemed nervous to talk to me. She even bowed. "No need for that. I'm not royalty" I said smiling kindly.
"I'm sorry Mrs Taylor" she said.
"Please. Just call me Taylor" I said placing my hand gently onto her arm.
"My name is Rowan" she said. She had long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"That's a lovely name" I said as a guard came into the room.
"The king is growing impatient. He request your presence at once Lady Stark" said the guard who I knew his name.
"I'm on my way" I said smiling as I started to walk towards the door.
"Follow me" he said and we started walking down the hallway. I took the time to look around the hallways. I saw a lady with long black hair. She was wearing battle armor. She walked right up to us.
"Who is this?" She asked staring at me.
"This is Mrs Taylor Stark from Midgard. This king has requested her presence due to a strong illness that cannot be cured on Midgard" the guard said.
"So you're the young mortal Thor told me that has magical powers. I'm Sif" She said.
"That's a pretty name" I said smiling as she waved off the guard and started to walk with me to the throne room.
"So do you like Asgard so far?" She asked.
"Yes. It's a beautiful place" I said as she stopped at the throne room doors. The doors opened and I walked in. Loki met me halfway. I couldn't help but notice a smile creep up onto his face. He made a fake Odin and then the two of us exited the throne room. I walked beside him to the gardens.
"OH MY WORD!" I said looking at the beautiful garden. I walked ahead of Loki and stared at the beautiful flowers, "this place is amazing."
"Taylor?" Loki asked and I turned to face him, "Are you alright?"
"Why?" I asked.
"You look pale" he said as he used his powers that brought color back to my face. He looked at me with concern, "better?"
"Much" I said as I rushed off while looking at the flowers.
"You'll be back in Midgard by tomorrow" he said as I turned to see he was sitting on a bench. He patted the seat next to him and I walked over and sat next to him. His emerald eyes shimmered in the morning light.
"I believe that you'll be 13 soon" he said.
"In a few months" I stated as I messed with the fabric of my dress.
"You remind me of my daughter" he said making me scoff.
"You had a daughter?" I asked staring into his eyes.
"Yes I did. She had raven black hair like mine, green eyes like mine. But she had her mother's features. I lost her when she was a little one. She would probably be the same age as you if she was alive" he said as I decided to make him comfortable and I scooted closer. He may be a killer but he's different when you get to know him. He's just misunderstood.
"What was her name?" I asked studying a red flower.
"Hela" he said smiling, "she was such a ball of energy. She was mischievous. Very mischievous."
"She sounds like you" I said picking the flower and laying it in my lap.
"She loved the gardens. She'd run through the fields with such excitement. She loved hearing stories. She loved everything. Sometimes I wondered if she was even my daughter" he said.
"What about her mom?" I asked.
"She was beautiful. Her name was Siygn. She had beautiful blonde hair and big blue eyes that sparkled like a thousand sapphires" he said with a small smile.
"She sounds like a real jewel" I said.
"Oh, she was. She was the most beautiful girl in Asgard. I had fallen in love with her" he said as I placed the flower in his lap. He looked at me with a small smile.
"Thank you for telling me that" I said. I enjoyed stories. I felt like I knew Loki in so many different ways. Others looked at him as if he were a killer. I looked at him as a misunderstood prince who needed something to care for. I guess I was doing him a favor. But he looked like he was hiding something from me. Was it about my sickness? I didn't really want to know but I was intrigued to know.
"You remind me so much of Hela" he said with a wave of his hand I felt my appearance change. My hair grew longer, my skin paler, my eyes emerald green, my hair was now raven black, and I felt shorter. This must of been what she would've looked like if she was alive. Tears formed in Loki's eyes, "fascinating. You resemble her in so many ways."
"Don't cry" I said as I felt myself change back to my normal self.
"It's been so long since I've seen that face" he said. I decided to do something that Uncle Tony would have my head for. I hugged him. He tensed at first but then slowly hugged me back in return. He seemed shocked at my gesture.
"It's alright. I understand how you feel. If I could I would do anything to see my papa again" I said as he smiled and waved his hand. I turned my head to see my father standing near the pond. I ran over toward him and stood in front of him. He looked like I remembered. I went to hug him but my hand went through him. I felt tears in my eyes as I stared into my dad's eyes.
"Taylor?" He asked.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Take care of Uncle Tony for me. He can seem a bit crazy but do me the favor and make sure he's okay. And be safe" he said with a sad smile, "I'll miss you my little ice princess."
"I'll miss you too" I said wiping tears from my eyes. Once he went away I turned toward Loki. He sat on the bench with a smile. I ran over and hugged him again.
"Thank you" I whispered burying my face in his neck.
"You're welcome, little one" he whispered as I sat back down beside him, "we must be going. I have things to do and I bet you'd like to explore. But the rule is you can't go far from the castle. If you need anything come to the throne room."
"Okay. Thank you, Loki" I said before he walked away with a smile. I looked around the gardens before running down the pathway. I lifted my dress and continued to run. I ran down the hill and saw a field. It was filled with flowers. I gasped with excitement before running through the field. Then I realized something. Was this the field Loki told me about? Where his daughter use to play? I saw some kind of building so I ran towards it. I climbed up the stairs and into the memorial of some sort. I looked around and saw one flower. It was golden. I walked forward and stared at the flower.
In memory of Hela Lokidottir and Siygn
I smiled at the beautiful cursive letters. This must be a memorial for Loki's daughter and wife. I wonder what happened to them. I looked over at the marble wall and smiled at my reflection. My reflection began to change. I stared into a pair of green eyes. Hela. She smiled kindly back at me. Loki was right. She looked like me. I smiled back at her and she pointed to something. I turned around and saw where she was pointing. The necklace around my neck. She raised her eyebrow as if questioning me where I got it.
"Your father gave it to me so I could keep in contact with him" I said. Her eyes seemed to glow with excitement at the mention of her father.
"Is he okay?" She asked. Her voice was like mine as well.
"He misses you" I said smiling.
"TAYLOR?!" I heard someone call. I looked outside to see Loki walking into the field.
"You need to hurry. One time I was late for dinner and he wasn't too happy" she said and I nodded to her before taking off toward Loki.
"A little mischievous, are we?" He asked smiling.
"A little" I said as we walked out of the field and through the gardens.
"You're going back to Midgard" he said, "you are healed enough to go home. Plus I believe they will need you. I saw a threat coming your way. I want you to be ready."
"I will. Thank you, Loki. For everything" I said smiling as he lead me to my room.
"Get changed and then we'll head to the Bifrost. And feel free to take a dress with you. We have too much to count" he said smiling.
"Okay" I said as he closed the door. I changed into a t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my bag. I opened the dresser and saw a short emerald green dress. Then I realized something. I was in Hela's old room. It was so pretty. I put the dress into my bag before opening the door. Loki stood there with a smile before we started walking towards the Bifrost. I had fun here in Asgard. It didn't take as long as I thought it would to be healed. I wonder what Loki meant by a threat coming my way?

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