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Okay so I got tagged by the amazing SuperFangirlOrNah so I have to do 13 facts about myself so this should be fun.

- you must post all the rules
- you must tag 13 people
- you must put 13 facts about yourself
- you must answer the given questions and create additional questions
- you cannot say I don't do tags
- tag backs are allowed
- you must complete the tag in a week or less

Facts About Me!

1) Faith is actually my middle name😄
2) I have a dog named Charlie🐶
3) I'm 13 and I will be turning 14 on February 28th🎂
4) my cousin Taylor got me in love with Marvel after I watched the first Iron Man movie. That's why the main character in 'Proof He Has a Heart' is named Taylor.
5) I own a lot of movies... Some I haven't even watched yet.
6) I've always wanted to be an actress or a director
7) I first started writing in my iPad notes. Maybe I'll share something that I've written from there. I wrote the cast down and everything!
8) my dog will be turning 12 on February 21
9) I've been to Disneyland once. And I've been to DisneyWorld three times.
10) I hate rides that go upside down. I'm afraid I'll get sick!
11) I live in a small town in the state of Pennsylvania
13) I've made some awesome friends on Wattpad! You guys are AWESOME!


Q1: If you could meet a celebrity and hang with them for a week, who would it be?

A1: Chris Evans! Or maybe Tom Hiddleston! But I'd pick Chris Evans because we could go to DisneyLand and eat Doritos and Meatballs😂 and watch a few movies. For a whole week.

Q2: First fandom you were ever obsessed with?

A2: the first fandom I was ever obsessed with would be... Marvel. I don't watch Supernatural, Doctor Who, or Sherlock. I'm not interested in Doctor Who. I could watch Supernatural but I don't know. I like Benedict Cumberbatch.

Q3: DC or Marvel?

A3: at first when I was little it was DC but over time I kind of drifted away from those characters being my favorite. The only character I like from DC is Harley Quinn. But I like MARVEL way more than DC!

Q4: Favorite Disney movie?

A4: that's a really tough question. It's like choosing who is your favorite child! (Please tell me you get that reference!) I would have to say either the Lion King or The Little Mermaid. Maybe even The Jungle Book!

Q5: Any cool talents?

A5: maybe singing. But writing and acting are in my top five. Everyone tells me I am a talented writer so I guess writing is my talent.

Q6: Favorite Superhero and why?

A6: my favorite Superhero is Captain America. I like Cap because he's just a sweet gentleman. He's awkward a lot but I like that about him. I like skinny Steve and the Super Soldier because they're both nice. Plus he's adorable! Also if Loki was a superhero he'd be my second choice. He's my favorite villain though. I also like Bucky. Bucky is number 3. Sorry Tony😁

Q7: best episode of Flash and why?

A7: I don't watch Flash. I don't watch a lot of TV shows. I'm more of a movie person. Sitting on the couch eating popcorn with all the lights out so it feels like your in a movie theater.

Q8: how's the school year going for ya?

A8: so far, so good. Sometimes I wish I could quit and do cyber school but my family and friends always support me about it.

Q9: What's the best thing that ever happened to you in your entire life?

A9: being born😂

Q10: how many pairs of shoes do you have?

A10: too much XD

Q11: makeup or no makeup?

A11: none. The only kind of makeup I'll wear is lipgloss or lipstick.

Q12: favorite store?

A12: the Pet Store. I love animals. I love playing with all the little puppies who haven't been played with.

Q13: who's side are you on? Team Tony or Team Steve? Why?

A13: Team Steve because Tony is my 5th favorite character. I don't like Tony's attitude towards some things. He's cocky, selfish, self obsessed. Well in Avengers he was Self obsessed but those traits make him some people's favorite character. I choose Steve because he's the Captain. And I support Cap's side the most for a lot of reasons.

My Questions!

1) favorite ice cream?
2) favorite book on Wattpad?
3) Color?
4) favorite food?
5) birthday?
6) Zodiac Sign?
7) favorite place?
8) favorite tv show?
9) sweatpants or jeans?
10) sports or couch?
11) shorts or jeans?
12) Animal?
13) Cat or Dog?


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