Waiting For Her

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Tony watched his niece from the window hopping she'd wake up soon. He wanted to hold her again and make sure she was safe. There was a bandage wrapped around her side and it was stained with blood. Steve stood next to Tony. Tony had tears in his eyes as he stared at his niece's body. She was breathing thankfully. Bruce was watching as well. She was a genius like her father but stupid at protecting herself. SHIELD started doing test behind Tony's back. But soon Tony found out and lashed out a Nick for it. Nick didn't give the order. He knew about her powers before her dad died. He knew she wasn't a threat. It's been 3 days and the kid hasn't woken up yet. Clint and Natasha worried as well. Natasha wanted to get to know the kid.
Tony felt tears sting his eyes as he watched his niece move her head. They cut her dark hair shorter now since she had cuts on her neck and they had to stitch them up and hair got in the way so they cut it almost to her chin. It ended just below it. Loki and Thor were leaving tomorrow. Loki said he'd heal her but Tony didn't trust him. Loki had handcuffs on but that didn't stop him from using magic. Slowly without anyone noticing he used his magic that soon crept inside the room where Taylor laid. It was a healing spell. Loki's eyes were emerald green and not horrifying blue. Taylor stirred in her sleep and this made Tony opened the door. When he walked in his nieces bright blue eyes were wide open.
"U-uncle T-Tony?" She asked her voicing cracking.
"Tay!" He said rushing to her side and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him. Thor looked at his brother.
"You're welcome" Loki said quietly making sure his brother only heard. Loki felt an attachment to the child. He didn't know why. Taylor was crying into her Uncle's chest making tears stain his shirt. He kissed her forehead gently.
"I was so worried" he said, "next time, listen to my rules."
"Yes sir" she said smiling through her tears.
"That's an order" Tony said smiling.
"Understood" she said as Nick entered the room.
"Glad to see you're awake Mrs Stark" Nick said with a small smile.
"Yes Nick?" She asked.
"I hope you're up for it. Welcome to the Avengers" Nick said. Taylor stared at her in disbelief. She looked at her Uncle for approval.
"I'd love to be apart of the avengers" she replied with a smile.
"Great. See you soon" Nick said exiting the room. She was part of the avengers now. His will be fun.

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