I Planned That

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I put on my rocket boots and smiled at Harley. "Keep in contact with me" I said.
"Okay" Harley said, "be careful."
"I'll call you" I said before taking off. I'm gonna rescue my Uncle.
"JARIVS, take me to where Uncle Tony is" I said.
"Of course mrs" JARVIS said as we went faster. Soon we were in Miami, Florida. When we landed on a balcony of a mansion I was kind of confused about it. I walked inside ready to fight who ever came to me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Savin who was smiling.
"Well look who it is, Mrs SnowFlake. I could take you to your Uncle" he said grabbing my arm. I struggled in his grip. He wrapped a arm around my stomach and picked me up off the ground. I kicked a lot as we walked down the hallway. He opened a door.
"Hey! Aldrich I have a gift for you" Savin said as I saw Uncle Tony zip tied to a bed that didn't have a mattress. Aldrich looked at me surprised. He's behind this! He's so nice though. I struggled some more and Savin put me down. He walked out of the room and closed the door. Maya stood over near the computers. Traitor.
"Great to see you Taylor" Aldrich said, "please come down and join us." I walked down the stairs slowly and stood next to Maya.
"How can I be pissed at you, Tony? I'm here to thank you. You gave me the greatest gift that anybody's ever given me. Desperation. If you think back to Switzerland, you said you'd meet me on the rooftop, right? Well for the first twenty minutes, I actually thought you'd show up. And the next hour, I...well I considered taking that one step shortcut to the lobby, if you know what I mean" Aldrich said.
"Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the first mouse" Tony said.
"But as I looked out over that city, nobody knew I was there, nobody could see me, no one was even looking. I had a thought that would guide me for years to come. Anonymity, Tony. Thanks to you, it's been my mantra ever since, right? You simply rule from behind the scenes. Because the second you give evil a face, a Bin Laden, a Gaddafi, The Mandarin, you hand the people a target" Aldrich said.
"You're something else" Tony said as I crossed my arms.
"You have met him, I assume?" Aldrich asked.
"Yeah, Sir Lawrence Oblivier" Tony said.
"I know he's a little over the top sometimes. It's not entirely my fault, he has a tend...he's a stage actor. They say his Lear was the toast of Croydon, wherever that is. Anyway, the point is, ever since that big dude with the hammer fell out of the sky, subtlety's kind of had its day" Aldrich said.
"What's next for you in your world?" Tony asked.
"Well, I wanted to repay you with the same gift that you so graciously imparted to me" Aldrich said as he throws three small metal balls onto the floor and as they roll and stop, they project the image of Pepper being tied up and held hostage, "Desperation. Now, this is live. I'm not sure if you can tell, but at this moment the body is trying to decide whether to accept Extremis or just give up."
We see Pepper is glowing orange and in pain as the effects of being injected with Extremis take hold of her body.
"And if it gives up, I have to say the denotation is...it's quite spectacular. But until that point, it's really just a lot of pain" Aldrich said as he turns off the image showing Pepper, "We haven't even talked salary yet."
Aldrich walks up to Tony and suddenly grabs him by the throat.
"What kind of perk package are you thinking of? Hm?" Aldrich asked as he starts glowing orange.
"Let him go" Maya said as I turned to see she had something held to her neck. Aldrich lets go of Tony's throat and turns to face Maya.
"Maya..." Aldrich said.
"I said let him go!" She said as she points an Extremis injector at herself.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"1200cc's, a dose half of this size, I'm dead" she said.
"It's times like these my temper is tested somewhat. Maya, give me the injector" Aldrich said.
"If I die, Killian, what happens to your soldiers? What happens to your product?" Maya asked.
"We're not doing this, okay?" Aldrich said.
"What happens to you? What happens if you go too hot?" Maya asked Aldrich pauses for a moment, then looks at Tony as he shoots Maya, killing her.
"Maya!" I said as I bent down to check her pulse. She was dead.
"The good news is, a high level position has just been vacated" Aldrich said.
"You're a maniac" Uncle Tony said.
"No, I'm a visionary. But I do own a maniac, and he takes the stage tonight" Aldrich said as he walks over to me and grabs my arm.
"UNCLE TONY!" I scream trying to yank my arm back but he loops an arm around my stomach and picks me up off the ground as we leave the lab, "let me go!"
"You shouldn't have came, Taylor. I was starting to like you" Aldrich said.
"Please just don't hurt Uncle Tony" I said as we continued to walk down the hallway then he fixed my position.
"I can't make promises, Taylor" he said as we entered somewhere inside the compound, Aldrich meets up with Savin.
"Once we get the Patriot installed, it'll take me nine...ten minutes for a take down" Savin said.
"Well, that's great. But the last time I looked there was somebody inside of it" Aldrich said.
"What are we going to do with the Princess?" Savin asked smiling at me.
"I'm deciding" Aldrich said putting me down. I made a run for it but Savin was one step ahead. Savin picked me up and we walked into a room where the Iron Patriot suit was, has been shackled and two men are using electric saws to pry the suit off of who ever was inside.
"Afternoon, gentlemen. Hello, Colonel" Aldrich said.
"RHODEY!" I yelled trying to get away from Savin.
"Step aside" Aldrich said to the men, Aldrich touches the suit and starts glowing orange, heating it up.
"We'll get you out of there, don't worry" Aldrich said.
"You'll damage the armor" Savin said.
"Yes, I will. But you can fix it, right? I'm gonna take the suit up to base camp, and I want Potts with me" Aldrich said.
"She's still in Phase 2. And what about Princess here?" Savin asked.
"You're not going deaf, are you? And I want Taylor to... Uh. She'll come with us" Aldrich said, "wait no. Give Tony some false hope and leave her here with Rhodes."
Aldrich continues to heat up Rhodes suit.
"Are you comin' out?" Aldrich asked.
"Do not open, do not open! Don't open, don't open, don't...!" Rhodey said as the suit indicates it's going to open, "Alright, let's go." As the suit opens, Rhodes quickly jumps out of it and attacks Savin making him let go of me, then suddenly Aldrich breathes fire to stop Rhodes.
"You...you breathe fire? Okay" Rhodey said then Savin knocks Rhodes out.
"It's a glorious day, Savin. This time tomorrow, I'll have the West's most powerful leader in one hand, and the world's most feared terrorist in the other. I'll own the War on Terror. Creates supply and demand for you and your brothers and sisters" Aldrich said getting his jacket on. I rushed over to Rhodey and checked his pulse. He's okay. I looked up watching as Savin, Aldrich, and the men left.
"Rhodey?" I whispered slapping his face gently, "come on. Uncle Rhodey please be okay."
Rhodes becomes conscious and hears that Tony has escaped.
"All personnel, Stark is loose and somewhere in the compound. Repeat: Stark is loose and somewhere in the compound" Someone said over the speakers.
"Glad you're okay" I said to Rhodes.
"Same to you, Tay" Rhodey said me and Rhodes manages to get outside and knock out a guard. Rhodes pulls out his phone.
"Tony..." Rhodey said.
"Rudy, tell me that was you in the suit" I heard Uncle Tony say.
"No. You got yours?" Rhodey asked.
"Uh...um...kind of. Main house as fast as you can. Somebody I'd like you to meet" Tony said.
Me and Rhodes smashes in through the window, shoots and kills the one guard while I freeze the second, the Mandarin wakes and sees Tony walking into the room with his suit on.
"What've you come as?" He asked as Rhodes points his gun at the Mandarin.
"You make a move and I'll break your face" Rhodey said.
"I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me" he said as me and Rhodes look at Tony.
"This is the Mandarin?" I asked.
"I know, it's...it's...it's embarrassing" Tony said as the man holds his hand out to Rhodes.
"Hi, Trevor. Trevor...Slattery" he said as Rhodes slaps his hand away.
"I know, I'm shorter in person, bit small, everyone says that. But, um...hey, if you're here to arrest me, uh...there are some people who I'd like to roll on. Immediately" Trevor said.
"Here's how it works, Meryl Streep. You tell him where Pepper is and I'll stop doin' it" Tony said.
"Doing what?" He asked as Rhodes hurts his ear.
"Oh, I get it! Ow! That hurt! I get it! I get it! I don't know about any Pepper, but I know about the plan" he said.
"Spill" I said making a knife out of ice.
"Do you know what they did to my suit?" Rhodey asked.
"What? No. But I do know what's happening off the coast. Something to do with uh...a big boat. I can take you there" Trevor said suddenly he screams as he watches soccer on the TV behind Rhodes and he starts chanting.
"Tony, I swear to God. I'm gonna blow his face off" Rhodey said.
"Oh, this next bit may include the Vice President as well. Is that...is that important?" He said.
"Somewhat" Tony said as I crossed my arms.
"Yeah, a little bit" Rhodey said Tony indicates for Rhodes and me to come to one side to talk quietly.
"So?" Tony asked.
"What are we gonna do? I mean, we don't have any transport" I said. Tony turns to the Trevor.
"Hey, Ringo. Didn't you say something about a 'lovely speedboat'?" Uncle Tony asked.
"Speed boat?!" I asked excitedly.
Me, Tony and Rhodes are on the speedboat.
"I could get use to this" I said smiling.
"If he's right about the location, we're twenty minutes from where Pepper is" Tony said.
,But we also have to figure out this Vice President thing, right?" I asked.
"Right. I wonder who I'm calling right now? Oh, that's the Vice President" Uncle Tony said.
"Hello" said the Vice President.
"Sir, this is Tony Stark" Tony said.
"Welcome back to the land of the living" he said.
"We believe you're about to be drawn into the Mandarin campaign, and we gotta get you somewhere safe as soon as possible" Tony said.
"Mr. Stark, I'm about to eat honey roast ham surrounded by the agency's finest. The President's safe on Air Force One with Colonel Rhodes, I think we're good here" he said.
"Sir, this is Colonel Rhodes! They're using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan Horse, they're gonna take out the President somehow. We have to immediately alert that plane" Rhodey said.
"Okay, I'm on it. I'll have security lock it down. If need be, they can have F22s in the air in thirty seconds. Thank you, Colonel" he said.
"Rhodes and Stark out" Rhodey said as he ends the call.
"We gotta make a decision. We can either save the President or Pepper. We can't do both" Rhodey said.
"Sir, I have an update from Malibu. The cranes have finally arrived and the cellar doors are being cleared as we speak" JARVIS said.
"And what about the suit I'm wearing?" Uncle Tony asked.
"The armor is now at ninety-two percent" JARVIS said as Tony takes out the leads attached to the suit.
"That's gonna have to do" he said.

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