Sudden Awakening

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So I had a good Christmas. Uncle Tony had gotten his arc reactor taken out and got Pepper fixed up. Also the tower was ready. Avengers Tower. It was big. Since the house in Malibu was destroyed we got to move here. Bruce was here as well. Where was Uncle Tony and Bruce? They're not in the lab. I walked into the living room hearing the voice of my Uncle.
"You know, and thank you, by the way, for listening. There's just something about getting it off my chest and putting it out there in the atmosphere instead of holding this in. I mean, this is what gets people sick, you know? Wow, I had no idea you were such a good listener" Uncle Tony said as I walked around the corner to see Uncle Tony is lying on a couch, "To be able to share all of my intimate thoughts and my experiences with someone, it just cuts the weight of it in half, you know. It's like a snake swallowing its own tale. Everything comes full circle. And...and the fact that you've been able to help me process..." I saw Dr. Bruce Banner, sat in a chair next to him, suddenly awakening.
"So, uh...?" Bruce asked.
"You with me?" Uncle Tony asked as I entered the room.
"I was, yeah. Mm-hmm. We were...uh, we were at, uh..." Bruce stuttered as a took a seat beside him.
"You actively napping?" I asked.
"I...I was...I... I... I drifted" Bruce said.
"Where did I lose you?" Uncle Tony asked.
"Elevator in Switzerland" Bruce said.
"That story again?" I asked.
"So you heard none of it?" Uncle Tony asked ignoring my question.
"I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of doctor. I'm not a therapist, it's not my training" Bruce said.
"So?" Uncle Tony asked.
"I don't have the-" Bruce started but Uncle Tony interrupted.
"What? The time?" Uncle Tony asked.
"Temperament" Bruce finished making me laugh.
"You know what? Now that I think about it, oh, God, my original wound. 1983, alright?" Uncle Tony asked.
"Yes" Bruce and me said at the same time. I shouldn't have came into this room. Now I'm stuck here listening to Uncle Tony's stories.
"I'm 14 years old, I still have a nanny? That was weird" Uncle Tony started making me face palm. I ran my hand down my face listening to Uncle Tony's story. I got up and left the room. I walked into my new bedroom. It looked amazing.
"Loki?" I asked in my mind hoping he would answer.
"Taylor" Loki responded. You could basically hear a smile in his voice.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Not as much as you think" He answered as I sat on my bed and looked up at the ceiling holding onto the emerald necklace.
"Sounds boring" I said smiling.
"That's because it is" he said making me laugh.
"You're my buddy, right?" I asked.
"I guess you could say that" he responded.
"Awesome!" I said happily.
"Why would you want to friends with me?" He asked.
"You're different. You seem like a lost prince searching for acceptance" I answered.
"That means a lot" Loki said.
"You're welcome. No one understands you but I do" I said smiling.
"I must go. I'll speak with you later Taylor" Loki said.
"Bye Reindeer Games!" I said as I let go of the necklace and walked over to my computer ready to Skype with Steve. I called him and waited for an answer. But he didn't answer. I started to get worried. Maybe he was on a mission. I started to get nervous and continued to call him. But nothing happened. I grabbed my coat and rocket boots and ran out of my bedroom.
"I'M GOING OUT FOR A WHILE UNCLE TONY!" I yelled as I ran out onto the balcony and took off to the sky. Washington DC here I come.

Hours after flying, I got to the SHIELD building in Washington. I ran towards the entrance and opened the door. "Hey Rumlow!" I said smiling as I saw Brock about to go up the stairs.
"Hey Tay" Rumlow said smiling at me.
"Where's Steve? He's not answering my calls" I asked.
"He's speaking with Pierce. Didn't you hear... Nick died" Brock said.
"Oh my god!" I said.
"Yeah. He was shot in Steve's apartment" Brock said catching me off guard as he threw a punch at me. I ducked quickly and looked at him with shock.
"Hail Hydra" he said with a smirk as he went to grab me but I ducked under his arms and slid under his legs. I ran towards the stairs and ran up as fast as I could. I used my rocket boots to send me up a few flights. When I got out from the door and ran into Steve.
"Taylor?" Steve asked. He was wearing his Captain America uniform.
"Steve?!" I said smiling, "why didn't you answer my calls?"
"Busy" he said as we both walked to the elevator, "Operations control."
"Confirmed" the elevator said just as the elevator doors are about to close Rumlow steps in with two STRIKE agents. I stare at Rumlow with fear.
"All STRIKE personal on site" Brock said.
"Understood" one said.
"Yes, sir" the other said.
"Forensics" Brock said.
"Confirmed" The elevator said.
"Cap" Brock said before his eyes landed on mine, "Snow."
"Rumlow" me and Steve said as the elevator doors close and we start riding down.
"Evidence response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac-team ready?" Brock asked.
"No, let's wait and see what it is first" Steve said as I looked around for any escape.
"Right" Brock said as me and Steve notices one of the agents touching his weapon suspiciously. I took a deep breath as my hands began to grow cold. The elevator stops and more SHIELD and STRIKE agents enter.
"What's the status so far?" An agent asked the other as they stepped inside. "Administrations level" the one said.
"Confirmed" the elevator said.
"Excuse me" an agent said to me and Steve. I moved out of the way.
"Um...sorry about what happened with Fury. Messed up what happened to him" Brock lied.
"Thank you" Steve said as I realize Steve starts feeling something is off, Steve looks at the agents in the elevator and notices one of them is sweating, then the elevator stops and more agents enter.
"Records" one said to the computers
"Confirmed" the elevator said as the elevator doors close Steve and me realizes we've been surrounded by agents.
"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" Steve asked there's a moment's pause before suddenly one of the agents turns and uses an electric rod to give Steve a shock, the others grab him and try to strap his wrists with magnetic cuffs, Steve manages to knock some of them down but one cuff remains, then Rumlow uses his rod to give Steve a shock. Brock wraps an arm around my neck and gives me a strong shock to the side. I scream loudly as the pain increases. Steve gets the magnetic cuffs off and knocks out Rumlow. I held my side in pain. I'm not a super soldier like Steve is.
"Why'd you come here?" Steve asked as Agents began running towards the elevator. Steve quickly cut the elevator cable with his shield sending us plummeting down the shaft.
"You wouldn't answer my Skype calls so I got worried and flew here" I said as the elevator stopped.
"Get back to your Uncle" Steve said as he pulled opened the doors and saw agents coming our way.
"I don't think that's an option for me right now Rogers! I got myself into this mess! I'm gonna get myself out of it by helping you" I said as he pushed the doors shut.
"Taylor, I need you to go home" Steve said.
"I can't leave you. What if Hydra comes for me while I'm at the tower?!" I asked as he looked around for an escape.
"Fine! Just find a way to contact Tony and tell him everything" Steve said as he grabbed me and picked me up off the ground and ran through the glass of the elevator. I screamed loudly as we flew through the air. We landed on to the ground and we quickly got up.
"Meet me at the hospital" Steve said.
"Got it" I said as I used my rocket boots to blast off. I dodged bullets that flew at me. I made it to the other side of the bridge unharmed. Steve's motorcycle stopped next to me and I quickly climbed on. I took out my phone and dialed Pepper's number. Wrong choice.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Pepper asked on the other end.
"Well I'm in Washington DC! I'll explain everything later. Pep! You have to tell Uncle Tony that SHIELD has been compromised!" I said into the phone.
"Tell me what happened!" Pepper said.
"They are probably tracking my phone! I'm with Steve" I said before I threw my phone out into the street and watched it get crushed by a large truck. It was new! Steve was driving really fast. I didn't have a helmet! We arrived at Steve's apartment and he threw a pair of clothes at me and he quickly changed his clothes. I put on his sweatshirt and kept my jeans on. I stuffed my rocket boots into a bag and put on a pair of red converse sneakers. I put on his baseball cap and we ran outside and climbed onto the motorcycle. He drove off like at a fast speed.
"Rule number 1: stay close to me at all times!
Rule number 2: you listen to me!
Rule number 3: don't do anything stupid" Steve said as we arrived at the hospital. I climbed off when he parked and he grabbed my arm as we walked in. I should've stayed at the tower. But I needed to help Steve. I may be putting myself in danger but I'm willing to help out a friend.
"Would it be smart to use a pay phone?" I asked.
"Hurry" he said pointing to a pay phone. I ran over and put a quarter inside waiting for Uncle Tony to pick up.
"Hello?" Uncle Tony asked.
"Uncle Tony?! It's me Taylor!" I said quietly.
"Taylor Maria Stark! Where the heck are you?!" He asked.
"I'm with Steve. SHIELD has been compromised. I can't go home right now. Just stay safe" I said.
"Taylor, be safe okay" Uncle Tony said.
"Of course Uncle Tony. I will. I love you" I said.
"I love you too, kid" he said.
"Alright. I'll call you later from a different phone. Bye" I said hanging up. When I turned around Steve had pushed Natasha Romanoff into a room. I followed behind quickly and shut the door quietly.
"Where is it?" Steve asked taking off his hood.
"Safe" she said.
"Do better!" Steve yelled.
"Where did you get it?" Nat asked as I sat on the table.
"Why would I tell you?" Steve asked.
"Fury gave it to you. Why?" Nat asked.
"What are we talking about?" I asked.
"What's on it?" Steve asked ignoring my question. Thanks buddy!
"I don't know" Nat said.
"Stop lying!" Steve yelled.
"I only act like I know everything, Rogers" Nat said.
"I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates, didn't you?" Steve asked.
"Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you" Nat said.
"I'm not gonna ask you again" Steve said.
"I know who killed Fury. Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists, the ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years" Nat said.
"So he's a ghost story" I said.
"Five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot at my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer, so he shot him straight through me" Nat started as she pulls up her shirt to show me and Steve the bullet wound on the side of her stomach, "A Soviet slag, no rifling. Bye-bye bikinis."
"Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now" Steve said as there's a hit of a smile from Natasha.
"Going after him is a dead end. I know, I've tried" Nat said as holds up the flash drive, "Like you said, he's a ghost story." Steve takes the flash drive from her.
"Well, let's find out what the ghost wants" Steve said.

Uh oh! What did Taylor get herself into this time?! Comment what you think will happen or what you would like to happen in the next chapters~ Kenlee Faith❤️❤️❤️

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