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After learning about Happy getting hurt in the explosion at the Chinese Theater me and Uncle Tony went to the Hospital to visit him. I sat there staring at Happy. He looked awful. I let a few tears flow down my cheeks. I hope he'd be okay.
Me and Uncle Tony approach the car, but we are flanked by news reporters.
"SnowFlake?! Are you Iron Man's new sidekick?!" Asked one of them. One videographer behind Uncle Tony points his smartphone at him.
"Hey Mr. Stark. When is somebody going to kill this guy? Just sayin'." The guy said as Uncle Tony turns around to face the videographer.
"Is that what you want?" I asked crossing my arms.
"Here's a little Holiday greeting I've been wanting to send to the Mandarin. I just didn't know how to phrase it until now. My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward, so I decided... that you just died, pal. I'm gonna come get the body. There's no politics here, it's just good old-fashioned revenge. There's no Pentagon. It's just you and me. And on the off-chance you're a man, here's my home address: 10880 Malibu Point, 90265. I'll leave the door unlocked. That's what you wanted, right?" Uncle Tony said as he grabs the smartphone and throws it against a column before entering his car.
"Bill me" Uncle Tony said as we got in the car and drove off.
I finished working on my suit and rocket boots. I was proud at my accomplishment. I tested them out and they were awesome! I went back up stairs and saw Pepper getting bags ready.
"You're going to New York until this whole thing is solved" she said.
"Nope. I am not leaving. I want to help. Let SnowFlake have some action" I said smiling.
"I already called Steve" Pepper said as she tossed the bags down to the living room. We walked down the stairs and I saw Uncle Tony talking to some girl. I kind of didn't pay attention to the argument Pepper and Tony were having.
"I'm Taylor" I said smiling.
"Maya" she said shaking my hand.
"Awesome. So you know my Uncle?" I asked.
"Is that normal?" She asked pointing to the large bunny in the room.
"It's just a giant bunny relax about it!" Uncle Tony said as me and Maya turn towards the TV. My eyes widen when I see a missile headed toward the house.
"Uh guys... Shouldn't we worry about that?" Maya asked pointing to the TV. The two finally stopped arguing. But too late. The explosion caused me and Maya to go backyards while Uncle Tony and Pepper went the other way. I quickly put on my rocket boots and watched as the Iron Man suit attached to Pepper. I put a ear piece in so I could speak with JARIVS.
"Get her and get out!" Uncle Tony said as Pepper ran over and helped Maya up. I ran towards my Uncle.
"Taylor you have to get out of here" Uncle Tony said.
"Sir Mrs Potts is safely out of range" JARIVS said as the Iron Man suit came back and attached to Uncle Tony.
"I'm helping" I said as a missile headed toward the house again. I ducked out of the way and soon felt something shake. The whole house was falling towards the ocean. I took a deep breath before going under water. I made it out and up to the surface.
"JARIVS? Where is Uncle Tony going?" I asked as I watched the suit fly away.
"I'll fly you there Taylor" JARIVS said as he started controlling my Rocket Boots.
"This'll be fun" I said.
Cold. That's all I could feel. Cold. I woke up and I found my self in snow. Snow?! It didn't feel that cold since I have ice in my blood. I walked towards the forest and saw a familiar face at a telephone booth. I waited behind it until he came out.
"I followed you" I said smiling as Uncle Tony turned around.
"This is dangerous. I want you in New York tomorrow" Uncle Tony said.
"No I'm gonna help" I said crossing my arms as he dragged the Iron Man suit across the frozen snow.
"How are you not cold?"
"That was a really stupid question" I said as we got to a shed. Uncle Tony got the door opened and we walked inside. Me and him put the Iron Man suit on the couch and I took off my rocket boots. Uncle Tony sits down and attempts to remove the microchips from his left forearm when a boy suddenly appears at the front door, aiming his potato gun at him.
"Freeze!" The boy said he looked maybe 1 year younger or my age. Uncle Tony drops the pliers, "Don't... move!" Uncle Tony raises his hands.
"You got me" Uncle Tony said as he looks at the potato gun, "Nice potato gun. Barrel's a little long. Between that and the wide gauge, it's going to diminish your FPS..." The kis shoots a bottle off a column.
"And now you're out of ammo" I said.
"What's that thing on your chest?" He asked my Uncle.
"It's a... electromagnet. You should know. You've got a box of them right here" Uncle Tony said pointing at box on table.
"What does it power?" The kid asked. Uncle Tony points the table lamp toward the Mark 42 armor sitting on the couch, "Oh my God!" The kid approaches suit, "That's... is that... Iron Man?"
"Technically, I am Iron Man" Uncle Tony said, "and this is SnowFlake."
"Technically, you're both dead" The kid said as he hands Uncle Tony a newspaper with the headline of the destruction of Stark's mansion.
"Valid point" I said.
"What happened to him?" The kid asked.
"Life. I built him. I take care of him. I'll fix him" Uncle Tony said.
"Like a mechanic?" the kid asked.
"Yeah" Uncle Tony said.
"If I was building Iron Man and War Machine..." The kid said.
"It's Iron Patriot now" I said.
"That's way cooler!" The kid said.
"No it's not" Uncle Tony said.
"Anyways, I would have added in, um, the retro..." he said.
"Retro-reflective panels?" I asked.
"To make him stealth mode" the kid said. He's awesome.
"You want a stealth mode" I said.
"Cool, right?" the kid asked and I nodded my head.
"That's actually a good idea. Maybe I'll build one" Uncle Tony said as the kid accidentally breaks off one of Mark 42's fingers, "Not a good idea."
"Oops" the kid said.
"What are you doing? You gonna break his finger? He's in pain. He's been injured. Leave him alone" Uncle Tony said.
"S-sorry" the kid said.
"Are you?" Uncle Tony asked before pausing, "Don't worry about it. I'll fix it."
"So, uhh, who's home?" I asked smiling.
"Well, my mom already left for the diner, and dad went to 7-Eleven to get scratchers... I guess he won, 'cause that was six years ago" the kid said and I sat down beside him.
"Hmm... which happens, dads leave, no need to be a pussy about it, here's what I need..." Uncle Tony said and I gave him a look, "A laptop, a digital watch, a cell phone, the pneumatic actuator from your bazooka over there, a map of town, a big spring, and a tuna fish sandwich."
"What's in it for me?" The kid asked.
"Salvation. What's his name?" asked Uncle Tony.
"Who?" The kid asked.
"The kid that bullies you at school. What's his name?" I asked smiling.
"How'd you know that?" The kid asked.
"I got just the thing" Uncle Tony said as he ejects a flare canister from one of Mark 42's panels, "This is a piñata for a cricket. I'm kidding, it's a very powerful weapon. Point it away from your face, press the button on top. It discourages bullying. Non-lethal, just to cover one's ass. Deal. Deal? What'd you say?" Uncle Tony tries to make the kid grab the canister.
"Deal" the kid said as Uncle Tony gives him the canister.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Harley. And you're..." Harley said.
"The mechanic. Tony" Uncle Tony said.
"I'm Taylor" I said.
"You know what keeps going through my head? Where's my sandwich?" Uncle Tony said.

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