The Moth

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So today was the day I officially started to hate my uncle for one reason. That one moth that was outside the bathroom door. Now I'm not a fan of bugs but I'm guessing my dear Uncle Tony knew that. I swear to god I will kill him for this one of these days. It was the meanest thing he could ever do to me. So your probably wondering what the heck happened. Well let me tell you this lovely story. So if you see on the news one day: Tony Stark goes missing. Then you should know what happened.

*dramatic music*

So it was like any other day at the Avengers Tower. I had just finished washing my hands in the bathroom. I dried my hands and went to open the door but right there at the door was a rather large moth. I let out a small yelp and slammed the door shut so the moth didn't enter the bathroom. I sat down on the floor and pulled up the hood on my sweatshirt and pulled the two strings closing the hood. I pulled my knees close to my chest as I sat on the cold bathroom tiled floor.
Now this is the part where I began to hate my uncle for so many reasons. I had taken out my phone and turned it on before going to my contacts and texting my dear Uncle Tony. I had to tell him about the moth outside the bathroom door. I needed him to kill it so I could get back to my room and watch some movies off of Netflix. I also needed to make some popcorn. I was either going to watch movies with Steve or Natasha. Maybe both. Or Clint. Clint likes watching movies but then again Steve doesn't understand the world of Netflix.
So like I was saying before I got off topic, I was texting my uncle about the large moth outside the bathroom door. Of course any other teenage girl would freak out because there is a big outside the bathroom door. Well not all teenage girls would do that because there are girls that are much stronger than I am in so many ways. I could just freeze the moth but then again I don't want to be anywhere near that thing.

Uncle Tony? There is a moth outside the bathroom door. Come and kill it for me please~ Tay

Now I sat there for a few minutes without a reply from my uncle. Now at this moment I'm sitting there staring at the bathroom door fearing for my life. Maybe the moth can open the door. If that happened then all my childhood fears would come true. Moths or any kind of bug being able to open a door. That would be terrifying. It's been at least 20 minutes of waiting for my uncle to reply so I send another text.

Uncle Tony?~ Tay

Without a single reply I am left there sitting in the bathroom waiting for my death to come by the hands, or whatever a moth has, of the moth. At this moment I am scared to death of this winged insect outside the bathroom. For all I know it has left to go take down the other Avengers. No not Steve!
Now at the time Uncle Tony has seen my text and decided not to reply. Instead of replying he goes and tells the others to go with the precious prank he has planned. Now all of the Avengers are in on the awful prank. I'm completely unaware of this master prank my uncle has planned.

Uncle Tony? Please answer your phone~ Tay

Uncle Tony is dead. You're next, love moth~ Uncle Tony

Now by the time he actually replied to my text I was curled up on the bathroom floor hoping that the moth wasn't taking people down. Now me being the stupid child I am I opened the door. I slowly crept out into the hallway and looked around. The whole tower was silent. And I mean silent. I'm talking deadly silent.
I turned my head and there was the moth. My scream shook the tower. No joke. My scream shook the tower. That moth was dead within seconds. It was now frozen and on the floor. I heard all of the Avengers laughing like crazy which made me turn around and send them glares.

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