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"I'm sorry to hear that. He was your friend, wasn't he?"

I nodded. The look on his face when I'd fired him—utter shock. But Richard had been so angry in that quiet, scary way. He really meant it when he said he'd hurt the boy. I couldn't let that happen to someone I cared about. And it was—exciting, in a way. Exciting that Richard wanted me so badly he'd do something like that.

"I feel so guilty," I said. "I'm such a bad person."

"You're not a bad person because you had to let someone go, Delilah. You're just afraid of losing him."


A/N: As of today, the novel is now progressing a bit faster than The Delilah 100! Be sure you're reading it for Richard's side of a very complex story, and tell your friends who might enjoy it that the book will be out November 2nd!

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