On my Eighteenth Birthday

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On my eighteenth birthday I hung myself.

There was no one to blow out the candles

Or cut the cake

Or open the presents

My mom got me a brand new X-box

But it hasn't been touched

Our dog, Molly, waits at my empty seat in the kitchen

For food, that will never be given

Patrick, my best friend, hasn't returned to school

At my funeral, 500 people came

I didn't know who they were

Not by name

They all cried, two tears,

one from each eye

So you know, that it wasn't pretend.

Two months later,

a boy from my math class


I used to smile at him, ask him how he was

He would whisper "I'm fine"

After I was gone, there was no one

He sat alone In the back

My cat, Tommy

Curls up in the sweater I left on my floor

Kelsey, the girl from next door,

not the girl next door,

Visits my grave more than anyone else

With roses, my favorite flower

Actually, they are hers, I was going to give her some

Anonymously of course

But I never got the chance

Or maybe I was just too afraid of rejection

But we'll never find out

It's been one full year now

I thought that they would forget

My parents, sleep in different beds

In different houses

On opposite ends of the street

My mom stayed

My dad was the one that left

They couldn't forget

I'm sorry

The smiles faded, and the laughter dimmed

But all I could think about was Him

I couldn't let go of his touch

His kiss

Couldn't tell anyone else I felt trapped

Had to get out

So I hung myself On my eighteenth birthday

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