Louder Than Hate

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A girl stands facing a mirror

She touches the face she can't see.

The voices come back to her calling


Her hands tremble

Tears begin to fall

Shaking she pleads to them

To end it all

But they don't hear

She searches her heart

For the answers she feels

She falls apart

But is pieced back together

She knows that she matters

That she deserves better than their words

Because love is louder

A boy stands facing a mirror

He touches the breasts he can't hide

The voices come back to him calling


He remembers the hits

At the hands of his school

He didn't try to be normal

Or follow the rules

He stepped from the shadows

And stood in the light

While everyone around him

Claimed it wasn't right

They said he was nothing

That he didn't matter

But the she that was he spoke up

Because love is louder

A boy stands facing of a mirror

Promises it'll all be okay

As the voices come back to him calling

Gay, Gay, Gay

But he doesn't falter

At the names he hears

Doesn't flinch at the bruises

That continuously appear

He stands strong against the torment

He endures everyday

As he holds on tightly

To another who is gay

He tries not to run from the abuse

Or the bones that shatter

He holds his head up high

Because love is louder

A girl stands facing a mirror

Holding her breath on a scale

As the voices come back to her calling


Her lips quiver

In a held back smile

She knows that she's fine

She's known it all the while

But the voices won't stop

They keep calling her names

But she counters with compliments

Because she knows she's okay

They say that something is wrong

But their words don't matter

She won't change herself to fit in

Because love is louder

A boy stands facing a mirror

Pulling on skin black as the night

The voices come back as whispers

Not white, not light, not right

But strong he stays

Against all diversity

For he knows in the future

All their names will be history.

He doesn't tell

When they beat out what is wrong

He doesn't run

From the cries that echo like a song

He knows who he is.

And that is all that matters

Their names, and their disgust are silenced

Because it is love that is louder.

A girl stands facing a mirror

She traces the cuts that line her body.

The voices echo around her calling

Nobody, Nobody, Nobody.

She tries on a smile

But it doesn't seem to fit

She tries to tell her parents

But they don't want to hear it

She tries to explain how she feels

And all she has to hide

Born with the soul of a girl

Into the body of a guy.

But no one understands.

And she doesn't seem to matter

But she won't go back to before

Because love is louder

A girl stands facing a mirror

She can't see her own reflection

A boy stands facing a mirror

Both are made to perfection

A boy stands facing a mirror

Bruised because he is Gay.

A girl stands facing a mirror.

Hoping it'll all be okay.

A boy stands facing a mirror

He's told his skin is not right.

A girl stands facing a mirror

Both step into the light

And all they know is what is said.

But those words they come to late.

They won't change, they won't back down.

Because it is love that is louder than hate.

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