And By The Way I'm Gay

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It's okay to hold a gun in your hand.

Okay to hold a whore or a slu.

But why when you hold another mans hand

It's the worst thing you could do?


I'm the captain of the football team.

Going to be the homecoming King.

Got a degree in sexuality.

And a charming 'turn me on' personality.

And by the way, I'm Gay.

I'm the captain of the cheerleadering squad.

Guys they surround me out on the quad.

I got numbers in my pocket, from two months back.

I'm the one girl in schools guys are desperate to tap.

And by the way I'm Gay

I'm the smartest guy in the class.

Stayed up late from the midnight mass.

Back is straight from the chapels pews.

Play me in chess, you're begging to lose.

And by the way I'm Gay

I'm the girl who reads like words are air.

The library is my top secret lair.

Could quote Jane Austen and Stephenie Meyer.

Know all the words to Liar Liar.

And by the way I'm Gay

I'm the baddest boy in the entire school.

Got a rep that makes Paul Bernardo look cool.

Look in my closet and you'll find all black.

Go through my CD's and you'll never get back.

And by the way I'm Gay

I'm the prettiest girl in the school and on the block.

I got hair like magic to make your jaws drop.

I'm deadly in pink, with my nine inch heels.

I look like a barbie, but baby I'm real.

And by the way I'm Gay

I'm the skater guy wandering the halls.

Gotta hit the pavement when the need calls.

Don't give a damn bout the protests of the 60's

Just wanna hit the park, score some 360's

And by the way I'm Gay

I'm the quiet girl hiding behind her paint.

My brush is my voice creating flawless saints.

I'm ignored but recieved by wonder and awe.

I am the artist, that paints without flaw.

And by the way I'm Gay


It's okay to hold a gun in your hand.

Okay to hold a whore or a slu.

But why when you hold another mans hand

It's the worst thing you could do?

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