Your Hand Is So Cold When You're Holding A Rose

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It's been fifthteen minutes since you're body was warm

Since your eyes opened towards my face

Fifthteen minutes with you not in it

With a ghost having taken your place

And I can't comprehend, can't understand

Why the world just keeps on going

Everyones living, but you're not living

And my blood just keeps on flowing

Your eyes are closed, your hand I hold.

And my cheeks are wet with tears

And I can't get past that this was the last

day I'll have you near

But I still have the rose and the note that you wrote

Telling me it'll all be okay

I've read it to the end and I'll read it again

Just to hear you say

The words on the paper thin as a whisper

Bringing you back to me

It's been thirteen days since you made me promise

Never to say goodbye

The roses have fallen our faces solemn

As your spirit took to the sky

But the tears won't end I'm alone again

Sitting with the rose on the floor

A blush to my cheeks, it's nearing two weeks

Since I left through the hospital door

But I still have the note, every word that you wrote

Forever etched in my mind

The roses stays red now that you are dead

Like the heart you had left behind

Still it keeps beating, like moments are fleeting

A Hummingbirds wings in my chest

You held to my hand your skin like sand

As you closed your eyes to rest

You didn't say goodbye, didn't want to lie

Didn't wanna go just yet

I remember the way it was going to be okay

As across your bed I wept

Holding onto the rose and the note that you wrote

Promising to read it again

The words on the paper thin as a whisper

Bringing you back to me

It's been thirty-two months and they say it's too long

To grieve the empty space

That was my heart til you took it apart

Leaving a rose in it's place

They say that it's time, to say my goodbye

But I won't break the promise I made

I won't forget not just yet

Wishing you could've stayed

You were my lover, always and forever

I can't just let you go

I've tried to get better, I still have your letter

The tears continue to flow

I've tried to smile, they call it denial

Sometimes I whisper your name

It echoes alone, no one is home

nothing will be the same

Your hands losing hold, your skins growing cold

I miss you so fucking much

I want you near, I need you here

To feel your gossamer touch

But all I have is the rose and the note that you wrote

That I've read again and again

The words on the paper, thin as a whisper

Bringing you back to me

It'd been five years since I walked out the door

And you faded away into death

I've tried to move on, but it's hard to be strong

With a broken heart in your chest

And I remember your eyes, never said goodbye

Just walked away from you

Left though the door, said nothing more

Just trying to live through

The pain that was living, friends kept giving

Sorry's that didn't mean a thing

They all gave up, said it was too much

Couldn't bring you back to me

All alone, I sat in my home

My fingers stroked the petals

That was the rose and the note that you wrote

My heartbeat refuses to settle

And the words on the paper thin as a whisper

Won't bring you back to me

I've read it to the end, read it again

Trapped in my very own grief

For the letters just a letter, nothing gets better

Theres not much more I can do

So here is the rose and the note that you wrote

Bringing me back to you

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