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It is not sex that I wear on my body

I am no sellout to this franchise of ugly

Just another girl trying to be somebody

In a world that is defined like a retail lobby

Where girls are sold like hip new CD's

Displayed like Ads on the TV screen

Not knowing what beauty truly means

Or the definition of honesty

Having not a single ounce of self-esteem

Girls whose hearts are as numb as morphine

And Bodies overused like OMG

Girls whose lives are ripped and torn apart

As men reach in for their cut and paste hearts

Placing them in a car

Like a shopping cart

As they are bagged and bought at any K-Mart

These girls wear sex like a fashion trend

Not knowing that this beauty will soon come to an end

That like an old t-shirt they will be traded in

And like all toys

Be alone again

But, I am not their lonely replacement toy

I am not an overused kleenex thrown away by some boy

I am not an empty chrysalis discarded of joy

I am not just here for you to employ

I am a girl

But I am not those girls

I couldn't be, even if I tried

And anyone who told you differently

Most certaintly lied

For it's not sex that I wear on my body

It's pride.

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