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She sits down at her desk

The sleeve eases up

And beneath the fabric

the scars begin to show

thin red lines on skin as white as snow

but no one knows

No, they don't have a clue

Of what she's been through

But oh, how they like to assume

Anonymously giving opinions

on the worth of her life

Edging her closer and closer

To the dance with the knife

As they call her life worthless

Meaningless and pointless

Saying things such as go ahead and die

Sitting anxiously as they wait for the reply

Okay fine

She types as she sits behind the computer screen

Reading over messages from strangers she's never even seen

It's just a bad dream

But there's no stumbling awake

No way to escape

She's running but you can't outrun life's mistakes

She doesn't know how much more she can take

Oh, it will never be enough for them

Until she hangs from the ceiling

Swaying with the breeze

Staring unseeing

At the switched off computer screen

She finally made it stop

She finally found her answer

She finally got better

But the messages keep coming

Only to different people they go

Anonymous faces who will never really know

The things that we go through

As we try to stay alive

Scars on your wrist

A message on the screen

"Who don't you just go die?"

Handle With Care (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now