For What It's Worth

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I'm sorry I'm not rich

and have no roof over my head.

I'm sorry for having to sleep in my car

and not a comfortable bed

I'm sorry that I'm freeezing

and have no stable home

I'm sorry im not perfect

and walk on broken bones

I'm sorry that my children

will have no food to eat

I'm sorry for my silence

as other kids are beat

I'm sorry that my life

is not the white picket fence

I'm sorry for your blindness

but how could you be so dense?

I'm sorry for the users

who invade my meager home

I'm sorry for the street kids

who live their lives alone

I'm sorry that my ribs portrude

and that my face is beaten black

I'm sorry that I left my home

and have never looked back

I'm sorry for the unborn child

that the devil gave to me

I'm sorry that im suffocating

on air I just cant breathe

I'm sorry for the winters

I barely make it through

I'm sorry that I must sell myself

But what else is there to do?

I'm sorry for the strangers

who refuse to spare some change

I'm sorry for my worn down shoes

that have covered quite a range

I'm sorry for my blackened teeth

from all those ciggarettes

I'm sorry for all the mistakes I made

but I have not one regret

I'm sorry for all the abuse

my neighbors had ignored

I'm sorry for the faded scars

from the hell I had explored

I'm sorry that I cant escape

from this life I chose to live

I'm sorry that I must suffer

from all you cannot give

I'm sorry that I'm dirty

from nights slept on the ground

I'm sorry I'm so damaged

from being pushed around

But I'm just a simple girl

who nobody's going to miss

and I'm sorry Mr. President

that you make me live like this.

Handle With Care (Poetry)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt