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Hands clutching to my waist

Pulling at the extra skin

The monsters inside me whisper

Must be thin, thin, thin

I can feel every calorie

As it courses through my veins

I'm leaning over the toilet

As I purge my food again

I can't stand it, can't deal

I'm not pretty enough for you

My stomach sticks out

And my bones don't protrude

My plate is full of everything

I couldn't force myself to eat

But yet the number on the scale

Seems to just increase

Friends have started to worry

They comment on my weight

The fat oozes out my pores

I can't tell them what I ate

Or else they'll force food on me

Watch every single bite

I can already feel the calories

As I try to think light

Think myself into a feather

Maybe then I'll fly away

Disappear into nothing

So that nothing I will weigh

Maybe that will stop the voices

Telling me I should downsize

Work out harder, longer

Drop a pound or five

I need to feel my bones

Pushing hard against my skin

While the monsters in me whisper

Must be thin, thin, thin

Handle With Care (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now