Wood Man x Reader

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You were a water type robot master created by Dr. Light, then one day you met Wood Man, a grass type robot master created by Dr. Wily, but he wanted to be reprogrammed for a better purpose. Luckily, Dr. Light agreed and reprogrammed Wood Man to be a guardian of a nearby forest. You two worked in the same area, and soon became really good friends. Then on one dry summer night, you were asleep in your room until you smelled fire. You shot up and notice the forest was on fire! The forest that Wood Man is living at! You jumped out of bed and called Guts Man, Ice Man, and Cut Man to help you. They all agreed as you darted into the burning forest.

"Are ya crazy, (Y/N)?!" Guts Man yelled as he lifted up a burning tree about to hit some woodland creatures.

"I gotta find Wood Man! He's still out in there!" You replied, with a worried expression.

"Just let her go! We'll handle on saving the wildlife!" Cut Man commanded Guts Man.

You continued running as you put out the fire with water, you yelled out Wood Man's name, until you hear a weak, "(Y/N)..."

You follow the voice to see Wood Man on the ground, badly burned. "Oh my god, Wood! We have to get you to Light, fast! Can you walk?"

He shook his head as he coughed.

You called Guts Man through your communicator, "Got it, (Y/N)! I'll be there as soon as possible!!"

Guts Man kept his word and arrived to the scene a few minutes later. "Ah, man, what happened?!"

"Never mind that! We gotta get him to Light!"

Guts Man nodded as he gently picked up Wood Man, you follow quickly behind still extinguishing the fire around you. Guts Man laid Wood Man on the ground as you kneel by him, holding his hand, you felt tears falling down your cheeks. "Please, Wood... Please be okay... I don't know what I'll do without you..."

You felt Wood Man's hand wipe your tears away, he weakly smiles at you, "Don't worry... I-I'll be fine... I-I promise you..."

Finally, an ambulance came and took Wood Man away to Light Labs. As you, and the others take on the fire, you couldn't help but worry about Wood Man. Hours pass, the fire is gone, you and the others sit outside of the main examination in Light Labs. You sit in a chair watching Dr. Light treating Wood Man. Cut Man and Ice Man are trying their best to comfort you. Until, Dr. Light enters the room, "He'll need a while to heal. His damages are pretty severe, but are treatable the only problem is, the proper supplies won't be here until next month. But I was able to stabilize him, for the time being. He'll have to rest until the parts arrive."

"Can I go in and see him, Doctor?" You asked.

He nodded in response, you then quietly walked in to see Wood Man on sleep mode, still badly burned. You hold his hand gently, trying your best not to cry for him, but you simply couldn't hold your tears back. A sob escapes from your throat, as the tears flow down your cheeks. "Wood... Please be okay... I don't know what to do without you... I... I'm just one giant mess without you. I need you in my life... I... I love you..."

You gently kiss his forehead, he weakly opens his eyes. "(Y/N)..."

You look in shock when he said your name. "Wood Man!"

"You... Love me...?"

You blush, you had no idea he was listening, but you shake your head "yes."

"Come here..." He weakly said, you lower your head for a surprise. Your lips met with his, making your blush grow.

"I... Love you two... (Y/N)... When I first saw you... I felt just a mixture of emotions just wash over me... Nervousness, Happiness, Confusion, I had no idea what it was... But thanks to you... I now realize that it's love... But I was always too nervous to tell you..."

He blushes as you look in awe.

"So... So all this time, you loved me too?" You asked.

He weakly nodded, you hugged him gently as you continued to cry.

He hugs you back as he kissed your ear. "There, There, I'm okay... I promised you after all..."

The days passed, and then one morning, you woke in your room to see Wood Man standing beside you.

"Good Morning!" He said happily.

You, barely awake, yawned and stretched, then when you notice Wood Man, you nearly jumped out the window, "Wood Man?! What are you doing?! You're suppose to be in bed resting!"

He smiles, "Well the supplies for my repairs came early so last night Dr. Light fixed me."

You couldn't help but smile as tears of joy form in your eyes, you hugged tight. He hugs you back as he pets your hair. You soon released when one of your stomachs growled, you both laugh a little. Wood Man picks you up bridal style, "Come on, let's get some breakfast."

"Alright! But uh, can you put me down?" You asked.

"Nope!" He answered jokely

You giggle, "You jerk!"

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