Bubble Man x Reader

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Your date just stood you up, you wore a beautiful black dress, where at one side was long but the rest was short. You ran to the lake crying, as your tears rippled in the lake, you heard something rise above the water. "Ma'am? What's wrong?" 

You look up to see a scuba diving robot, his eyes looked concerned. You wipe your tears away, "I-It's nothing."

"Well, it isn't nothing if you're this upset about it. Hang on a sec." He dived back into the lake, and then surfaced several minutes later with a oyster in his hand. He handed it to you, you looked at it, confused. "Thanks but why a oyster?"

He simply rolled his eyes jokingly, "Open the oyster, silly."

You did as you were told to find a beautiful pearl inside. You look at it in awe.

"Did you know it takes a pearl 10 plus years to form? Even though an oyster isn't the most beautiful thing in the world, but the true beauty lies within."

You look at him as he continued, "I think any guy who stands you up isn't worth the time. I see the true beauty that counts, and that's your personality, your interests, your laughter, I can go on for hours! You're beautiful the way you are."

You felt tears form in your eyes, he was absolutely right. You wipe your tears away once more, "Thank you mister!"

"Please call me Bubble Man!"

"Okay, Bubble Man, I'm (Y/N)."

You two smile brightly as you two chatted for hours, totally forgetting about the date.

The next day, you return to the lake, "Bubble Man, you here?"

Bubble Man popped his head to the surface, "Oh hey, (Y/N)!"

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for the pep talk last night."

He swam closer to you, "Well, it's no big deal, I just hate seeing people upset!"

You smile as you kiss his cheek, he looked in shock.

You blushed, "I'm sorry if that was--!!"

Your words were cut off by Bubble Man's lips pressed against yours, without the mask he was very handsome. You blushed madly as you sink into the kiss, you were happy that he loved you for you, not someone else.

(The dress at the beginning is a reference to the song "Deep Sea Girl" by Hatsune Miku by Vocaloid! If you haven't checked it out, GO NOW, WATCH ALL OF THE SONGS! Lol Anyway, Hoped your enjoyed!)

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