Snake Man x Reader

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Snake Man x Reader


Ever since you could remember, you've had ophidiophobia (fear of snakes). The one person who knew this was Snake Man himself. You were calmly reading a book until you felt a tail tickle the back of your neck as you screamed. You looked up to see Snake Man laughing.

"Snake..." You said angrily.

"Oh, that was marvelousssss!" Snake Man hissed out the rest of his laughter.


"Good thing I got it on camera! I've gotta show the guys later!"

"SNAKE!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!"

"Aw, what's the matter? Can't take a joke?"

You grabbed him and made him land on the bed. "Will you knock it off?! It isn't funny if you're making fun of my fear!! That'll be like me making fun of your phobia of needles! Do you want that?! NO, I WANT YOU OUT OF MY LIFE!!"

Snake Man looked in shock and then did as he was told, soon Spark Man ran into your room, "(Y/N)! Are you alright? I heard you yelling!"

You were trembling as you were breathed heavily. What you just did, It wasn't you. Spark Man walked over and hugged you. He always gave the best hugs.

Several days passed, you hadn't seen Snake Man in a while. Soon, you were assigned on a mission, investigate the a secret base. You were teamed up with Shadow Man, he helped you enter the building without being detected. You crawled theough the air vent and kicked down a piece once an area seemed clear. It was luckily, you did your job but of cours got detected in the last second. You ran down the hall but you were surrounded. You clutch yourself as you heard the guns shooting, but you weren't hurt. You looked up and saw Snake Man, with many injuries. "Snake?! Are you ok?!"

He smirked, "I-I should... Be asking you that..." Then he collapsed. You picked him up, and had to find a way out of there. Luckily, more robot masters appeared to help you on the mission.

Time passed, you wait in front of Dr. Light's Lab. He didn't have to explain anything before you ran in to see Snake Man. He was in sleep mode as you held his hand, "I'm so sorry about the other day. I didn't mean what I said, I-I don't what happened in me. Please forgive me. I don't deserve to be forgiven." You felt hot tears down your cheeks and land on your hand.

"Of course, I forgive you..." You look up in shock, and Snake Man smiled.

"I know you didn't mean to explode like that. I would too if someone pushed me that far. I knew I had to make it up, so when I saw you in danger, I had to save you. I should be the one asking for forgiveness..."

You smile as you hug him, "Of course. I love you..."

Snake Man hugged back as he whispered, "I love you too... Come on, there's no need to cry..."

"I-I know... It's just... I don't want to lose you."

"Trust me, I won't that easily!"

Hours passed, you two fell asleep in each other's arms. Loving every minute of it.

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