Flash Man x Reader

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You and Flash Man have been very good friends for a while. Every now and then, if he was on break from institute, you two would go to the park or a resteraunt. One day, you two were hanging out and listening to a nearby radio when the song, "Stop in the Name of Love," by the Supremes started to play.

"Oh, I love this song!" You said excitedly as you dance a little. Flash Man smiled a bit, as you reach for his hand. "Come on! Dance with me!"

"No, I don't know how!" He chuckled.

"Aw, come on!"

He smiled and joined you in your little dance, until he accidentally steps on your foot.


"S-Sorry, like I said I'm not good at this."

You smile a bit, "It's alright! No one's perfect!"

He blushes at your smile then you hear some giggling to see two little girls giggle at your dance, you can hear them slightly.

"Aw! That's so cute!"

"I know! I hope my future boyfriend will dance with me with my favorite songs!"

You two blush as the song ends, Flash picked you up bridal style, making you squeal, you two laugh a bit.

"See? You did fine!"

He chuckled a bit, "I'm glad you think so. My brothers say I'm not that good."

You rolled your eyes a bit as he puts you down, "Well, I think they should keep their mouths shut. They don't know how to dance either!"

"Yea, I suppose you're right." You hold his hand.

"Come on, let's go."

He chuckles, "Alright!"

You two spent the rest of the day together, and headed home.

The next day, you couldn't find Flash anywhere, until you hear something."Okay, okay, okay, I'll replay it one more time!" Quick Man said as he was on the computer with Crash Man, Heat Man, and Metal Man snickering. You step in, "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Ah! (Y/N)! W-We're doing nothing I swear!" Crash Man stated nervously as the others grew nervous as well.

You notice they were watching a video, you walk up to it and the title read, "Bald bot thinks he cant dance, he fails!"

The others nervousness grew more and more, as you click play. It showed Flash Man, dancing to a song from "Saturday Night Fever." You thought it was amazing, but the others were snickering. Then he fell after one dance move, you felt bad for him, meanwhile the others were laughing. You were furious, you gave them all an evil glare causing their laughter stop.

Later, you walk to Flash's room to see him sitting on his bed.

"Hey Flashie..."

No response, you sigh deeply, "Look don't let those fools get you down. Like I said yesterday, those idiots just don't understand. I loved your video, you are an incredible dancer! And... I love you." You hold his hand, blushing. He blushes back and looks at you in shock. You then feel his lips against yours, you soon eventually melt in his kiss.

"Just a little bit to the right, sweet." Flash Man had a camera in his hands as he motions his hand to the right. You were standing on the others that were making fun of Flash earlier.

"So... Much... Pain..." Crash complained.

"Okay, (Y/N), say cheese!"

You pose as you grinned big as he snapped the photo. "There! It's perfect!"

You two smirked, "You know what this means, right?"

Later the same day, you see the photo on Flash's blog and under it says, "My sweet (Y/N) caught these chums making fun of me. Let's just hope they learn their lesson. >8)

PS: Love you, (Y/N)!!"

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