Hard Man x Reader

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It was a hot summer day in the city, you were doing some shopping around town when you saw cold E-Tanks for sale. You bought one and sat down with your stuff, when a rogue robot takes your belongings and runs off. "STOP!! THIEF!!"

While the criminal was running, not paying attention to what's in front of him, grinning at his success, he bumped into something big. "Hey! Watch where you're going!"

His look of pride instantly turned to fear when he saw a giant blue robot in front of him.

"You know that bag doesn't belong to you." The giant figure said.

"I-I'm sorry, dude, I-I was gonna return it, I-I swear!" The criminal shook in fear as the giant lifted him by his armor. You run in on the scene to see the criminal passed out on the ground and to see a giant in front of you, you trembled a bit as he got closer to you. You prepared yourself until his giant hand revealed the bag the rogue had stolen.

"Here are your things!" The giant said, with a warming smile.

You look in shock as you grabbed your bag, "Oh! Uh, thank you."

His smile grew brigther, "I'm glad that the rogue didn't do anything to you!"

His smile made you feel warm and you smile back.

"Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Hard Man! And you are?"

"Oh, it's (Y/N)." You shake his hand, "It's nice to meet you Hard Man!"

Every Day after that, you visited him at his workplace at the nearby construction site, giving him some lunch, you two would laugh and joke around. Over time, you realize that he wasn't so scary after all. In fact, to you, he seemed like a giant teddy bear more than anything. Then, one day he seemed to be acting different, "Hey, uh, (Y/N)?" he asked.


"Would you mind, if we um... I-If we could, uh... Maybe go out later...?" He requested, with a slight blush across his cheeks.

You smile, "I would love to!"

Later that evening, you waited on Hard Man, you were dressed up very nice, you hear a knock at the door. You answer to see Hard Man, with a bow tie around his neck slightly crooked, and he held a rose in his hand. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said with a blush.

"Hi! You're right on time!" You said as you fixed his bow tie making him blush even more, he handed the rose to you, "Th-This is for you!"

You take it from him, "Aw! Thank you! It's beautiful!"

His blush kept on growing, "I'm glad you liked it. A-Anyway, let's get going!" He smiled.

You nodded as you two walked down the street.

You two had the best time, you went and saw a movie, ate at a fancy resteraunt and now you two were staring at the beautiful night sky. Hard Man blushed again, "Hey, (Y/N)? There's something I need to tell you..."

You look up at him, "Yea? What is it?"

He placed his hand at the back of his neck and started to rub it. "Well, when we first met, I just felt, I don't know... Like my heart was gonna explode or something! When I saw that thief steal your stuff I knew I had to make a move otherwise I might not ever see you again! And when you smile and laugh, it makes me feel like a million wats of electricity run through my body. I talked to my brothers about it and they all said it's this thing called 'love.' So I guess what I'm saying is, (Y/N)... Is that I love you."

You two blushed as you look in awe, you continued staring for a while and then kissed his cheek.

He blushes as you smile, "You know, Hardy, I was never afraid of you, I always imagined you as this sweet teddy bear that people judged as this monster, but you're a giant sweetie is all. I like being around you, I love it when you act sweet, all I can say is I love you too." He smiles as you hug him he kisses your head as you two continued on with watching the night sky. He walked you home, and meant to kiss your cheek but your head turned for your lips to meet, you two blush madly, but melted into the kiss. You said your goodbyes as you two walked your seperate ways. All you can hear from the distance was a loud, "YES, (Y/N) LOVES ME!! HAHAHA! TAKE THAT GEMINI!"

You couldn't help but smile at his excitement, as you celebrated a bit yourself by doing a small dance. You two slept in your beds, happily knowning this was the best date ever.

Megaman Robot Masters x Reader (REQUESTS CLOSED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin