Elec Man x Reader

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"Let's see, should that be a Gm chord or a D chord?" Elec Man sighed as he was writing on a piece paper.

"Hey, Elec!" You said as Elec jumped, quickly hiding the piece of paper.

"Oh, uh, hey (Y/N)!! You startled me!" Elec nervously laughed.

"So what are you writing down, huh?" You asked as you looked over his shoulder, making him hiding once again.

"It's nothing!" He continued to hide the paper, as a blush grew on his face.

"Well, it doesn't look like nothing."

As you lean closer and closer, Elec panics. "O-Oh, look at the time!! I-I gotta go, (Y/N)! See you later!" And with that he was off. You sigh.

"I wonder what's going on with him?"

Several Days passed, and you were in your room, reading a book. Until, you hear a guitar, and it sounded beautiful. You followed the music to Elec's room, and you quietly open the door and peeked in. Elec was strummin his guitar as he begins to sing,

"Wise man say, only fools rush wind.

But I can't help falling in love with you.

Shall I stay, would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you."

He stopped to write but was stopped by your applause.

"Bravo! Encore!" You shouted as you clapped.

"(Y/N)?!" He panics and falls out his chair as papers flew everywhere.

You run over to him and helped him, "Are you okay?! I didn't mean to scare you."

He sighs, "It's fine. It's just that I wanted it to be surprise."


He nodded, "A surprise for you..." He blushes, looking away.

You start to blush, "For me...?"

He continued to look away as his blush grew more and more. "(Y/N)... Whenever I'm around you, it feels like a million wats are going right theough me. I can't think, I can't sleep, you're always on my mind." He finally looks at you as he held your hands,

"(Y/N)... I... I love you..." He blushes as you look at him in surprise.

"Elec... I..." You stuttered, as Elec panicked a bit.

"W-Was it too soon?! Aw, crap, I knew I shouldn't have listened to that scissor he--"

His sentence was cut short when your lips meet, you soon let go.

"Elec... I love you too..."

You smile and laughed as you hugged his neck.

"Also, Elec... About the song..."

"Yes, love?"

"I loved it."

((I always hoped my future husband sings that song to me! It's "I can't help falling in love with you." by Elvis Presley. It's one of my favorite songs of all time! ^^))

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