Wood Man x Reader Part 2

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It was a beautiful day, now that Wood Man was all better from the accident in the forests about a month ago, he invited you to go hiking. You accepted without any hesitation.

"Come on, Woody!" You happily shouted at Wood Man as you hiked faster than him.

He gently smiles, "I'm coming!" He finally caught up with you, "Oh by the way, this part of the hill is very dangerous, you need to be careful, (Y/N)."

You rolled your eyes, not paying any attention to his warning, you continue climbing before slipping on rock and down the cliff. Wood Man tried to reach for you but you were already falling. You looked in shocked as you fell down the hill, shortly after you lose consciousness.


"(Y/N)... (Y/N)... Oh god, please hang in there..."

You open your eyes as a light blinded you, a shadow was leering over you. Once your vision adjust the shadow was Wood Man. "(Y/N)! You're alright!"

You rubbed your head, and looked at your foot to see it destroyed. "I'm sorry, Woody. I should've listened."

He held your hands, "It's alright, (Y/N). I'm just thankful you're alright!"

You looked around and see you're still in the forest. "We should start to head back. It's nearly sunset."

He nodded as he carried you bridal style, your blush grew as he carried you up the hill. Once you two made it to the top, you looked at confused, "Why did you stop?"

He pointed toward to the distance to view a beautiful sunset. Your eyes sparkle as he settled you down on the grassy top, he sits next to you and hugs you close. Despite his wooden armor, he felt warm. He looked depressed and it caught your eye, "What's wrong?"

He sighs, "I actually planned on this being a lovely afternoon with you, but you end up hurting your foot and now can't walk. You probably hate me now..."

You giggle a bit, "Why would I hate you for my mistake, it's my fault for not listening and I had a lovely afternoon with you! It was amazing to see the forest with you! Now it's perfect thanks to the beautiful sunset and you."

He blushes as he looks away once more, "(Y/N), I..."

Before he could say another word, you kissed his cheek making both of your blushes grow more. "I love you, Woody, don't ever forget it..."

He hesitates and then leans in and your lips met.

"There, your foot is all better, (Y/N)." Dr. Light wiped the oil off his hand with an old rag.

You move your foot around and smile, "Thanks, Dr. Light!" You got off the medical table and walked into the hall to meet up with Wood. "Hi, Woody! You ready for our hike?"

He nods as he carries out bridal style. "You know you can stop doing that."

"Well, I want to carry you, is that so bad?"

You blush as you muttered, "No." He chuckles as you two walked up the hill.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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