Oil Man x Reader Part 2

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Autumn had finally reached Light Labs, you prepared for your movie night date with Oil Man. It's been one month since Oil brought you to the amusement park. You gathered the blankets, the popcorn, and the movie. You looked at the rain outside, it's been raining all day.

"Man, the rain is starting to pick up." You said when you heard a knock on the door.

You opened the door to see Oil with a umbrella in his hand, "Hey, (Y/N)!" He said excitedly as he kissed your cheek.

You giggle and kiss him back, "Hey, how was work?"

"Oh you know, work." He chuckled as he sat on the couch and sighed. You brought out the popcorn, and two warm E-Tanks to warm you up from the fall weather.

"Aw, babe! You didn't have to!" Oil said as he wrapped himself in a blankets.

"Well, I figured you would be chilly from the weather, especially from the rain." You handed him an E-Tank, and you sit next to him as he took a sip of the E-Tank.

"So what movie is it tonight, hun?" Oil asked.

"Bloodsuckers from Planet 548.2."

"Oh! That's a good one!"

You laughed, "I know right?! Everyone is always too scared to watch it with me."

"Yea, I know that feeling." Oil sipped from his drink, "But don't worry, (Y/N). I'll protect you from them!" He said as he snuggled you close to him.

You laughed, "I know that you dork!!"

"Anyway, let's start the movie!" Oil said as he pressed the play button on the remote.

"Oh god! You're one of them!!" The TV proclaimed.

"Yes, Butch, and you had fallen into our trap!!" Then there was roar of thunder, then the TV went black as well as the lights.

"Aw, man, the power must've gone out." You sighed, "Oil, do you know where the candles are?"

The was no response, and you grew worried, as you prepared to get up.

"Oil? Are you okay?"

He jumped, "Y-Yea, it's just that can you stay here with me?"

"Yea, of course. What's wrong? Was it the movie?"

"N-No. I just have... I-I can't say it... It's embarrassing..."

You held his hands, "No, I'll understand! You can tell me anything!"

He paused, then sighed. "I have Nyctophobia. I-It's the fear of the dark. You probaly think I'm a big loser now, huh?"

You wrapped your blanket around his shoulders as you hugged him, "No, I don't think you're a loser. A phobia is a pretty serious thing. I wouldn't make fun of you all just because of a fear. Don't worry, I'll stay with you until the power comes back on."

Oil Man smiled, as he hugged you back.

"And besides, just concentrate on me!"

Oil smirked, "I guess you're using my words against me." He kissed you making you laugh, then you two cuddled as you held his hand*

Rock stepped out of his room yawning, and walked into the living room to see you and Oil Man asleep on the couch, still cuddling each other. Rock just smiled as he covered you two in a bigger blanket.

((I tried! Anyway enjoy!!))

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